Part 26-What happend?!

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When John got to the Hospital he ran up to the front desk and asked for Alexanders room.

"Hamilton...I'm sorry sir but he's in the ICU right now.  Their prepping him for surgery, but I think you might still have time." The lady at the front desk said.

John touched through the doors, and down the hall he burst into the ICU and looked for Alexanders room.  When he peered through the third window he saw Alex unconscious with a doctor hovering over him.  John burst into the room.

"Uh, sir who are you?" The doctor asked.

"I'm John Lauren's you ass hole!" John felt bad because he was unintentionally mean to the guy saving the love of his life'

"I'm so sorry, I'm just stressed." John said, "I'm the guy who they called." He said.

The doctor nodded, "oh yes, that was me whom you spoke too." He said.

"Mr.Hamilton isn't doing great but he's lucky, this is only a minamly invasive surgery." The doctor said.  John started to cry,  the doctor tried to console him but other people in lab coats can in and wheeled Alexander off to surgery.

John wandered back out into the waiting area where Thomas was still standing at the front desk chatting with the nurse.

"How is he doing?" Thomas asked.

"Not great, but their optimistic." John replied.  Thomas gave him a small smile.

"Do you want me to wait with you?" He asked.  John shook his head.

"No, you can go home." John said.

"Okay, just call me if you need anything at all." Thomas said rubbing John's arm.

After Thomas left John started pacing back and forth on the main area.

"You know, this type of surgery take a few hours I would recommend sitting." The nurse said.

"No, I can't sit, then I'll think about all the bad things." John replied anxiously.  The nurse just went back to her work.

"You sure do love him, don't you?" She said.  John nodded.

"We we're going to get married in the winter...or the spring, we still haven't decided." John said.

"Tell me more about it." She said, trying to get John's mind off of Alexander's current situation.

"Okay." John said, he was eager to talk about everything that had to do with their wedding.

"I want a beautiful snowy wedding, but Alex is from the Caribbean, so he want something warm." John said, the nurse smiled and told him to go on.

"Oh, um, we have this friend who also just got engaged, and we don't want to have our wedding too close together." He said, "she is pregnant and was going to give the baby to us, but she is also trying to go to med school, so she won't have time to deal with a pregnancy." John finished.

"That's nice, tell me how you guys met." The nurse said.  John told her everything, from the first time he laid eyes on Alexander in the small book store, up until now. He left out the whole Jefferson spiel, and the abusive father.

After what felt like hours of talking the nurse had to clock out for the night. Before she left she gave John her number and told him that everything will be okay. The next nurse to take over the front desk looked mean, and quite frankly the type who would not 'approve' of Alex and John's relationship.

John sat down and called the front office of his school, it was Sunday and four in the morning, so obviously they didn't pick up.

"Uh, this is John Laurens, I'm going to be absent Monday, my fiancé is in the hospital...I mean personal reasons. Can you please schedule a sub for all day Monday, and maybe Tuesday morning? Thanks!" John left the voice mail and then hung up. He tried getting rest but he couldn't close his eyes without seeing Alex's face. So he sent out a text explaining everything, no one answered, but at least they knew he thought.

Around 5:30 am a doctor come out and tells John he can see Alexander. John rushes back, trying to go too far ahead of the doctor.

When he gets to Alexander's room ahoy throws himself on Alexanders chest. Alexander groans and and John quickly apologizes and stands back up. Alexander reaches out and takes John's face in his hands, rubbing his thumb on John's cheek. John pulls up a chat and sits by Alexanders side, he takes his hand and gives Alexander little kisses on his knuckles.

John tells him all bout the nice nurse and how worried he was. Alexander just smiles and listens contently.

"I'm sorry." Alexander says when John finally stops taking.

"Why?" John asked

"I keep saying I never want to hurt you again, but I keep winding up in the hospital!" Alexander replies.

"It's not your fault baby." John says softly, "I'm not mad at all, I just want you to feel better!" Alexander smiled and wiped the tear that was falling down John's cheek.

"I'm hungry!" Alexander suddenly exclaimed! John giggled, but then left to get him some food.

Didn't want to make this too major🤗 ---Kaay

Also THANKS FOR 200! Like I know that not a lot because a lot of fic's have 1-30k but to me that's a lot😊😊

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