Part 24-ammends

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"Did you really mean it when you said you wanted to start a family with me?" Alexander asked.  It was later that same day and John and Alexander were sitting on the couch watching a movie. 

"Of course!" John exclaimed,  "I asked you to marry me, and I want to adopt a kid one day." He said. 

"Good." Alexander smiled, "John I love you so much." He said giving John a peck on the cheek.  John pulled Alex closer and rested his head on his shoulder.

"I love you too Lex." He said.


"Angelica, please talk to me!" Thomas Jefferson begged.  He had shown up at her door slightly tipsy, and said he wanted to apologize.

"Jefferson! I swear to god I will call the police if you don't get off my god damn porch!"  Angelica screamed.  He reached out to pat her shoulder but she jerked away and tried to slam the door.

"Angelica I so sorry about what I did!  I've changed!" He said sniffling.

"Yeah okay" Angelica scoffed, "how am I supposed to forgive someone who drunkenly beat me and call me names every night when you came home from work!" She tried to close the door once more, but Thomas was pressing his weight into it.

"Please, I miss you! I'm cured now, they fixed me!" He begged.

"Thomas I don't care, I'm not even going to take the risk of letting you in." She paused and tried to come up with the more vile thing she could say.  "I don't want to have to spend the extra money on concealer for the hand shaped buses."  She honestly didn't feel sorry at all.

"Ang..." Thomas trailed off.  He released the door and Angelica slammed it shut,  when he turned around he was greeted by a startled Peggy.  He felt her hand connect with his cheek, his face began to sting and she shoved him out of the way, walking into the apartment.

Thomas left the building and walked around town.  He knew what he had done was unforgivable, but he wanted to at least try and make amends. 

After some time of aimlessly wandering he found himself standing in front of a door, he suddenly realized that it was Alexanders apartment.  Tomas hesitantly knocked on the door.  He heard some shuffling inside and then the doe swung open, revealing Alexander with John awkwardly draped over him.  Both of their faces went blank and Alexander just stood there.

"I told you it would come back to bite us." John murmured is his ear. 

"What the hell do you want...I thought O told you never to speak to me again!" Alexander said.

"I know, I'm sorry, it's just that I'm trying to make amends with people." Thomas said.  Alexander checked his watch,

"At 10:15 at night?" He asked.  Thomas rubbed his head and grinned, Alexander frowned and John raised and eyebrow. 

"Whatever, I don't think I can forgive you." Alexander said, "you sent him to the hospital!" Alexander said motioning his shoulder towards John. 


John and Alexander are walking down the street, they had just finished dinner with their friends.  Alexander was talking about how Aaron Burr had applied for the same internship that he did.  John couldn't take his eyes off of Alexander, he knew that they were meant to be together, but he thought Alexander only thought of him as a friend.

"Oh my god Junior year has been so hard, it only been two months, but I'm already so stressed!" Alexander said.  Suddenly a towering figure spun Alexander around.

"Oh look at this!" It was Thomas Jefferson, "two little F**s!" He spat.  Thomas was clearly intoxicated, and probably super high.  Suddenly Thomas punch Alexander in the face, it wasn't that heard but Alex was scrawny so he stumbled back a bit. 

"Jefferson leave us alone!" He said.

"I bet you would like that! Just like you like telling my girlfriend she should leave me!" Thomas said.  Another punch connected with Alexanders stomach.  When Alexander stumbled back again, John jumped in from of him and said,

"Yeah actually do like telling Angelica that stuff... because you fucking abuse her!"  Thomas lost with that and started punching John in the face and the stomach.  When John fell to the ground Thomas started kicking him in the ribs and head.  When sirens started getting closer Thomas ran off and Alexander fell to the ground holding John in his lap.

Alexander called and ambulance and they took the two to the hospital.  Luckily John wasn't hurt that bad, and was released the next day. 


"I know and I'm sorry, I've gotten help and doctors say I had a mental condition." Thomas's vice was quivering.

"There isn't a day that I don't regret what I did to you." He said.  Alexander sighed and looked over at John, who had a sympathetic put on his face.  Alexander propped the door open and let Thomas walk through,

"Jesus Christ, what are we doing." He whispers to John.

"Being the bigger person." John whispered back.

My head still hella hurts, but I really wanted to update!  Idk where I'm going with the Thomas Jefferson arc, but it's a good space filler.  --Kaay

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