Part 34-Thanksgiving

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Alexander, John, Lafayette and Hercules all did'nt have family to go home too for Thanksgiving, and all of them excluding John, had never really celebrated the holiday before. earlier in the month  Alexander had promised to celebrate the holiday with John.  The few days John got off leading up to the holiday, he spent obsessing over all things Thanksgivings.  He bought a turkey, well... he bought three, John wanted to make it himself but ruined the first two. John picked up a pumpkin pie and had Alexander make some stuffing and other little appetizers.

The Schuyler sisters were heading up-state to their family's house, along with Maria, James and surprisingly Thomas.  So it was Laff, Hurc, Alexander and John.  They were going to have a happy little, immigrant filled (excluding John), Thanksgiving.

Thursday morning, Alexander woke up to an empty bed, he rolled over and checked the clock; 7:12 it read, Alexander sighed and rolled back onto his back.

"John" He called out, Alexander heard a clatter and then John poked his head around the door frame.  Alexander sat up and smiled.

"What's up?" John asked.  Alexander patted the spot next to him,

"Well, you shouldn't be!" he said.  John chuckled and then dove back into bed, where they stayed for another hour and a half.


around two o'clock Lafayette knocked lightly on an apartment door, seconds later a grinning John swung the door open, revealing a festively decorate interior.  Lafayette, had-in-hand with Hercules walked in and admired the lights, gords/pumpkins, and nicely decorated table.  There was clattering in the kitchen, witch was Alexander finishing up some mashed potatoes.  

Hurc plopped down on the couch and turned on the football game, Laff went to help Alexander in the kitchen and John hopped onto the couch at hearing the sound of the TV. 

Two hours later they were all sitting around the dining table digging into stuffing-filled turkey, microwave mashed potatoes, an other store-bought thanksgiving foods.  There were jokes being cracked, thanks being given and over all just friends and lovers enjoying one anothers company.


On the other side of the state, things had gone to shit a long time ago.

"What do you mean 'your pregnant and not keeping the baby'!" Phillip Schuyler yelled.  Eliza had just broke the news that she was pregnant,the tensions were already high after angelica showed up late and with Thomas Jefferson.

"Papa, it's okay, we found a great home for the baby...and me and James re getting married in March." Eliza pleaded.

"James ans I" Peggy through in sarcastically, Maria snicker and Peggy shrugged as she got multiple glares and a 'not now Margarita'. 

"Elizabeth, your throwing away your future and this family name!" Phillip said.

"How!" Eliza snapped, "I'm not keeping it, I'm not going to be a mother, no one even needs to know!" She started to raise her voice.

"If your going to have the damn thing Elizabeth have the dignity to at least raise it!" Phillip replied.  With that Eliza stormed out, James gave and awkward chuckle and then hastily followed her.

"dose anyone else have anything they would like to get off their chest?" Phillip asked, he intended it to be a scare tactic and for nobody to speak up for the rest f the night.  Suddenly Peggy shot up.

"I'm gay!" She exclaimed, Peggy looked from face to face and then sat down.  Maria was trying so hard not to break out in laughter.  Phillip glared in horror at what his daughter had just said.  Peggy shrugged and stood up to leave, she grabbed Maria's hand and dragged her out of the room.  

Angelica shifted nervously in her chair, waiting for the attack to be launched at her, Instead she got a quick sentence from her father,

"What ever your problem is, we can discuss it at a later date." he said in a eerily calm tone. Angelica nodded and then held back a giggle from the deep breath Thomas let out in relief.  The Schuyler family finish the extensive dinner in silence.


At 8:15 Angelica said her goodbyes to her family and checked in with her sisters; James and Eliza had rejoined the family, but Maria and Peggy had skipped off to some bar.  She walked out to her car followed my Thomas who was happy, yet silent.  They spent the long drive in silence over what had just happend,  Thomas occasionally read off Angelica's texts from her sisters or John on updates of their night.  

When Angelica pulled up in front of Thomas's apartment complex, he turned to face Angelica before exiting.

"Thank you so much for having me, I had a good time... even with your sisters meltdown." He said, chuckling at the last part.

"Yeah, I'm glad we you came..." Angelica leaned in a little bit.  Thomas stared wide-eyed in Angelica's glittering eye's.  

He leaned in a little too.  Angelica leaned in some more.  Thomas almost closed the gap between their face's.  Angelica lightly pressed her lips to his, they both closed their eye's.  Thomas did'nt want to fill the final space, as to make her feel threatened.  Angelica pressed her lips to his harder and kissed him.  Thomas kissed back, he wanted to make her feel as safe as possible.  Angelica held herself there for a moment before pulling back.

"I'm so sorry," Angelica stammered, "Are we still on for Friday night movie's?" She asked.  Thomas nodded and slid out of the car, he lightly closed the door behind him, trying to stifle back tears.


I'm so sorry I haven't updated in FOREVER, I've been suuuuuuuuper busy with school and life.  My inspiration as also been at -0 lately... I hope you like this long-ish chapter, I want to update more often, so stay tuned.  Also thanks for 700 freaking reads that freaking great! I'll probably start the second book around January-march (story timeline)     

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