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"Dolly, don't forget to ask the coach for your P.E. uniform."
"I know , Thalia." I answered as I began to walk out the front door. I didn't call her mom because she wasn't my mom, but I was eternally grateful she adopted me two years ago.

"Remember how to get to homeroom?" She asked worriedly.
"Two lefts, three rights, then it's the fifth door on the right." I recited, getting ready to close the door. I had both feet out and the door was almost closed when she spoke one more time.
"And Dolores!"
"Yes?" She called me by my full name; she's serious.
"Don't use your powers." My face got stern- this wasn't a joke. I nodded once.

"Okay." I told her as I closed the door. I began to walk to school, the crisp breeze you get right between summer and autumn was nicer than the one you got in summer or autumn. It wasn't a long walk. I actually didn't need to walk, my 'mom' or 'dad' could've driven me; but I decided that I could use the exercise and until it became too hot or too cold to walk five blocks I didn't really see a need to.

And about my powers... I have no idea why I have them- for some reason I was just born with them.
My powers were a bit technical and even I found them confusing at times.

Though Control: I couldn't make them do what I wanted. But I could make them think what I wanted them to think. I rarely ever use that one, I feel as if it's immoral and an invasion of free will. And once I got a certain distance away they would forget the thoughts I made them think and they would realize that someone was controlling their thoughts.

Telepathy: Mind reading essentially. But I can't read minds while using my thought control and I had to be within a certain radius. I've never tested the distance.

Siren Effect: I never understood this one until I had to do a mythology report on mermaids (and no... I'm not a mermaid). Apparently they had the same power and they used it on sailors. Basically I can make you see me as the person you love or fear the most. Which ever one it is I never know. I could be terrifying you or making you fall head over heels for me.
Illusions: This one is limitless- almost. I can create any illusion that anyone can see; just one person or a whole crowd of people. But... I have to be holding my breath. I've been practicing and can do about two minutes.

I walked through the courtyard towards the front of the castle-like school- Gotham Academy. I greeted new faces with a my best smiles. I wanted to make a good impression my first day at a new school; being a sixth grader and all.
"Hey Doll face, how 'bout you and-" An unknown boy greeted. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Don't. Call. Me. Doll face." I snapped. Honestly I was used to being hit on so that's not what upset me: I just can't stand the nickname 'Doll face' even just hearing it made me mad. I continued to walk towards the grand double doors at the front of the school.

"OH! EM! GEE! Dolly?!" I turned my head towards the voice and my jaw dropped. "Claire?" I asked with disbelief. She nodded and began running towards me. When she reached me I gave her a big hug.
"It's been too long."

"Two years." I stated- we had been friends outside of school since we were 3 because her parents were once big supporters of the Haley Circus I grew up in, but when we turned nine I moved to Central City because my new 'dad' was needed for his computer expertise , now we moved to Gotham.

We let go of each other and she looked up at me with dark green, somber eyes. Then her head turned slightly to look over my left shoulder. I followed her gaze, my eyes landing on a boy with raven hair that was slicked back with tons of gel.

"Is he someone special?" I teased as I poked her shoulder. She gave me a look.
"He's about to be, he went to my elementary school''.
"Oh yeah?" I challenged. She nodded and made her way over to him.

Her bronze hair bouncing as she walked, mine was blonde and a little past my shoulders. She tapped on his shoulder and when he turned around I nearly had a heart attack.
'He's cuuuute.' I thought, 'He looks so familiar though.'

He looked down at her and gave her a friendly smiling, I slowly made my way over so I could get in on the upcoming conversation.

"Hey Claire." He gave both of us a little wave, his eyes lingered on me for a second, and she retuned it with a shy smile and nod, "Can I help you with something?" He continued as he like looked back at her.
"Uh- Yeah!" She began to fiddle her thumbs.

'C'mon Claire! You're losing him!' I thought. But if she did lose him I wouldn't mind... NO! I'm better than that...

"I was just wondering if- well you know there's a new movi-".
"Are you asking me out?" The raven haired boy asked slightly amused.
"Yeah." She stated semi-confidently.

"Thanks. I'm flattered. But no thanks." He grabbed her hand and kissed the back of it, "Sorry." He dropped her hand and walked away after giving me one last look. I stared at him for a second. Then with a flip of my hair I pursued him.

I tapped his shoulder, he stopped walking and turned around.
"Look, I already told you and I tried being polite bu-." He began, but when he saw it was me he grinned, "Oh. It's you." The first bell of the day rang and he acquired a look of panic and rush,

"Look I didn't want to do this in front of your friend but here." He took out a piece of paper and a pen. He scribbled down a 10 digit number and handed it to me.

"I didn't want to put you in a bad spot with Claire so I'll give this to you now." I looked down at the paper in my hand, then I looked up at him.

"You're a cocky one aren't you?" I laughed, "I'm Dolly Johnson." I said introducing myself and putting a hand out.

"Dick Grayson." He put his hand out as well, allowing us to shake hands. My mouth fell open. He looked at me strangely.
"Grayson? Are you-?"
"I gotta go." Dick told me as the second bell rang. I nodded my head and waved good bye.

Grayson? As in the 'Flying Graysons'? They were an acrobatic performance at the Haley Circus until... They were killed. I knew about what happened- I was there.

My mother was a lion tamer and my father worked with the elephants; I was being trained to work with seals. It was through them that I developed my deep affection for animals.

They were killed as well, when I was nine, I was helped by Bruce Wayne though. He took me to the orphanage where I was adopted by the attorney and computer specialist that I live with now.

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