Failsafe: Part 4

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     A/N: In honour of me making the football team here is an extra update as to the one I will upload tomorrow. I'm actually on my way to practice run😄😄😄

  ~3rd Person P.O.V.~

      Manhunter and Batman subtly removed themselves from the hearing range of the seven children.
"As bad as all that?" Batman asked Manhunter with fear hidden deep underneath his emotionless words.     "Perhaps worse." Manhunter replied shaking his head and casting a quick glance at the children.
"Yet this is not what troubles you." Batman's guess was more of a statement.

      "Make no mistake, my niece is untrained and cannot be held responsible for this, for our debacle, but it wasn't all M'Gann's fault." Batman's eyebrows furrowed and he gave Manhunter a look that said to continue, "Blue Jay took control from M'Gann only a few moments after M'Gann acquired her death grip- when Aqualad said Artemis' sacrifice wouldn't be in vain.

       "No one blames her," Manhunter continued, but clearly we underestimated her abilities." Batman looked at Manhunter with disbelief.
"Impossible. The chip in her neck keeps her from using her powers." Manhunter nodded at Batman's reasoning but then spoke once more.
"Yes, be that as it may, the chip keeps her from using her powers on a physical level. This all went on inside her head- a dimension in which technology cannot yet reach." Batman stroked his chin, looking at Dolly who was clinging onto Artemis for dear life.

     "I hope you approve of my saying that it was all M'Gann; if it weren't for her, Blue Jay would've never had to steal control."
"Of course. I don't want anyone knowing that Blue Jay is a meta." Batman agreed, "Thank you." Manhunter gave Batman a small smile, but suddenly dropped it as he remembered what he wanted to say the whole time.
"You understated. In terms of raw power, she [Blue Jay] has the strongest telepathic mind I have ever encountered. Stronger by far than mine. It's a shame you're not letting her learn to control it. She could do great things with her ability." Batman shook his head and looked at the ground.
"This is what she wanted- to learn how to fully rely on herself without any unfair advantages."

     "I understand, Batman. She is your protégée after all."
"Robin! Blue Jay!" Batman called out to the two teens.

       ~Robin/Dick's P.O.V.~
     I heard my name being called, but I couldn't bring myself to look at whom it came from. Everything was ruined: my first mission as team leader, my friendship with Blue, maybe even the whole team. I looked at Blue, she was hugging Artemis and talking to M'Gann and Wally. I shook my head. How could I be so stupid?! I should've never kissed her.

     I get up slowly and sit with the rest of the team, an uncomfortable silence fell over everyone as I sat down next to Aqualad. No one spoke to each other, we didn't even look at each other- except me; I couldn't take my eyes off Blue. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but seeing her all weak, and vulnerable had a familiar feeling to it. As if I had seen her like this a million times before.

      ~Dolly's P.O.V.~
     No words could describe how I felt right now, but if I were to try a few good ones would be: infuriated, devastated, or embarrassed. I gripped Artemis' hand tighter, she returned with a reassuring squeeze.
"Robin?! Blue Jay?!" Batman called again. I looked over to him as he began approaching us. I should've guessed that he wasn't going to go easy on us, even after this. I stood up slowly, my knees wobbling and fingers shaking, then walked over to him. I stopped in front of him, Robin stopping beside me.
"Back to Gotham." Batman ordered, pointing at the zeta-beam. I hurried over, not looking back before going through.
"Blue Jay: B-0-2."

     I found myself back inside the Batcave, Alfred already waiting for me.
"Miss. Dolly, what a pleasure it is to see you. Is everything alright?" Alfred questioned worriedly as I took off my mask.
"Can you just get me hot chocolate in the library, please?" He nodded at my request, the zeta-beam going off, so I quickly hurried to my bedroom to change.

     ~Time Skip~

     I sat in the library with a Harry Potter book open in my lap, sipping cocoa from a Flash mug, my hair up in a bun, I wore pink sweatpants and a purple sweater since it was getting chilly. I felt my phone begin to buzz, looking at the caller I.D. that read "Arty".
"Hey." I answered sulkily. I heard a deep sigh on the other end before words came out of her mouth.

      "You didn't tell Robin you liked him, right?" Artemis asked.
"I-I kinda did."
"Oh, Dolls..... He said he didn't feel the same, didn't he?"
"Yeah. But then he said he liked Dolly, but not BJ." My voice cracked a bit despite my best efforts to prevent it.
"I think I know why."
"Remember how you told me about your kiss?"
"Well I was thinking... You said it was right after he saved you. Right after he had to protect you." There was a long pause.
"Go on." I pleaded.
"I think he's into girls but only if he gets to protect them. Like 'Dolly'. You pretend to be weak and incapable around him." My eyes widened at her logic- she was right.

     I slapped my forehead, just as Dick came in.
"Bye, Grace. Thanks for your help." I said into the phone.
"Who's--" I hung up before she could finish. Dick's eyes canvassed the room before they landed on me. He hurried over to the seat in which I sat and pulled me into a hug.
"Oh, Dolly, I thought I'd never see you again." He sighed into my ear. I couldn't keep myself together anymore, so I just broke down right there in front of him. Tears streamed down my face, falling onto his black shirt.

    I mean how could I not hug him back? How could I not try to comfort him? How could I be mad at him for liking me instead of me? Or not liking me because he liked me?

A/N: OMG.... That was crap. I'm sorry. It'll get really good. Especially when Zatanna joins. Till then.... I love all my readers. XOXO😘😘😘


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