Welcome To Happy Harbor: Part 6

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      "But we've got a plan now."
"The subject is not up for debate."
"Yeah, boys, hit the showers."
"I meant all of you." The five of us began to walk away with a sulky expression. Robin led the way to the hiding spot where him and I were told to position ourselves.
"I was beginning to believe you'd never show up." Twister told Red with some impatience.
"I'm here now." Tornado's voice could be heard assuring the angry android. I heard wind blowing and things crashing, but Robin held me down to prevent me from peeking.

     "We are evenly matched, Twister." I heard Tornado's voice.
"No, Tornado, we are not." Mr. Twister said angrily. I heard sounds of electricity and my heart sank. I managed to get a good look and saw a boat explode and Red get thrown on the ground from the force it caused.
"Remain still, android." Mr. Twister commanded as he extended wires from his finger tips and onto Red It's head, "The reprogramming won't take long."

      "Longer than you might think." Megan's head appeared atop of Red T's body. She clutched the wires that were attached to her head and gave Twister a menacing look
"No." Mr. Twister said with shock as Wally blew him away with the tornado he had managed to create by spinning in a circle with his super speed. Supey jumped out a began to punch the machine senselessly then tossed him into the bay where Aqualad was positioned.

     I knew Aqualad had done his part when the android was pushed out of the water and onto the land. Megan used her telekinesis to lift him in the air- he was now missing an arm. Megan then ripped off his remaining arm telekinetically. Robin and I threw six bird-a-rangs each, they stuck onto the robot's chest and destroyed him further.

     Megan dropped the android about 20 feet onto the ground. It laid on it's stomach before rising up to it's knees.
"Foul." An old brown haired men groaned as he fell out of Mr. Twister, "I--I call foul." I noticed Megan picking up a man-sized boulder from the ground and raise it above the man's head; she was ready to crush him.
"M'gann, no!" Aqualad yelled just as she brought the rock down on him. I gasped loudly, my hand slapping my mouth.

     I quickly made an attempt to charge Megan. I was ready to do some crazy stuff. Robin swiftly grabbed my waist to hold me back, I winced and immediately ceased trying to get to her.
"Don't know how things are done on Mars, But on Earth, we don't execute our captives!" Robin yelled as I shoved his interlocked fingers off of me. He looked down at his fingers and noticed the blood, he wiped it on his pants- too worried about the situation at hand to worry about me; which is how I wanted it to be.
"You said you trust me." She reminded us innocently and seriously as she removed the rock to reveal smashed robot parts, "That's why I couldn't read his mind." I let out a sigh of relief.

     Wally knelt down beside the crater and examined the contents.
"Cool." He picked up one of the things eyes, "Souvenir." He stuffed the eye in his pocket.
"We should have had more faith in you." Aqualad put an apologetic hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah. You rocked this mission. Get it? Rocked. Heh." Wally's attempt was what made me chuckle; not his joke.

      "Ignore him." I suggested as I gave her a soft, friendly hug. She returned it with a tight squeeze that I had to quickly push my way out of. I turned my back to the rest of the team and lifted my shirt to reveal a red towel.

     "We're all just turbed you're on the team." Robin said casually. I untied the towel and retied it but tighter this time. No one took much notice except Robin who gave me his jacket to use instead, which I declined.
"Heh. Thanks. Me, too." She thanked him, waving her hand in the air to signal for the bioship.

       "It was clearly created to sabotage or destroy you." Aqualad stated much later that night when we were all huddled around the broken pieces of the machine. My injury was now properly bandaged up thanks to Red.
"Agreed." Tornado said with a slight nod.
"Is that why you wouldn't help us?" Megan asked curiously.
"No. This was your battle.I do not believe it is my role to solve your problems for you. Nor should you solve mine for me." He explained reassuringly.

      "But if you're in danger--" I looked up from the computer chip i was examining to watch Red and Green. "Consider this matter closed." He instructed firmly, then left the room.

      "Batman, Aquaman, and Flash, they'd have jumped right in to fix things." Wally pouted as he stood up from the table and proceeded a few steps in Red T's direction.
"Guess if we're gonna have a baby sitter, a heartless machine is exactly what we need." Ronin shrugged as he followed Wally's lead. I inwardly chuckled as I returned to the chip in my hand.

      "Dude! Harsh." Wally reprimanded.
"And inaccurate." Tornado corrected as he paused, "I have a heart, carbon-steel alloy. I also have excellent hearing."
"Heh. Right. Sorry."
"I'm sure he'll strive to be more accurate." I snorted as I moved onto a one of the fingers of the robot.
"And more respectful." Aqualad added as Red Tornado once again began to walk away. I couldn't conceal my smile.
"Speedy was so wrong." I said as I remembered everything we had been through. I stood up and joined in on the horizontal line Robin, Aqualad and Kid Flash were making. I took Rob's hand in mine.
"This team thing--" Rob started.
"Might just work out." Aqualad stated.
"Not might. Will." Wall corrected.

       And in that very moment the four of us were closer than we had ever been in the past two years in which I had been here. It felt crazy to think that in a few weeks would be my two year anniversary of being Blue Jay. It was strange and exciting how far I had managed to come from an average girl to working along side the strongest people of Earth.

     I love them. This is my family. All of them.

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