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      A/N: OK. So I have decided to skip a bit and jump to Artemis. After this I'll do Failsafe which will hold a special surprise. Then I'll have a bunch of team bonding in the Mountain.

           August 8th, 9:58a.m.

        I smiled as my feet stepped onto the soft, warm sand. I had my green towel hanging over my shoulder, a football tucked under my arm and I was wearing blue bikini whereas Megan wore a yellow one; but the only person's attire that I truly cared about was Robin's, who was missing a shirt. Today the team was having a beach day.

        Megan sprinted towards the water, pointing at the sail boats that sat in it.
"Hello, Megan. We should hit the beach every day." She suggested excitely. I laughed as the four of us caught up to her, nodding in agreement.
"First," Robin's whole attitude became negative, he face-palmed and looked at the ground, I gave him a worried look, "a moment of silence for our absent comrade." He finished. I sighed mournfully at the thought of Wally having to be in school while the rest of us were at the beach. We all followed Robin's league and stared at the ground.
"Poor Wally." Megan said sorely as she kicked her feet in further into the sand.
"That didn't really help with the moment of silence thing." I reprimanded playfully.
"And neither did that." Aqualad pointed out with a slight chuckle.
"Don't tell me that. You just ruined it too." I laughed loudly as I turned around and gave him a fake dirty look. Robin gave me an angry look, before coming over to me.
"You suck at moments of silences." He said in a low voice before smiling. My eyes widened and I let out a squeak as I was thrown over his shoulder- the football and my towel fell onto the ground.

       I began to playfully slap his back and flail my feet.
"Put me down!" I begged while he began walking close to the water, "Rob...?! Don't. You. Da--" I felt my back hit the cool water as he tossed me down, "Jerk!" I stood up and reached down, bring my hands down and splashing him with a ton of water. He shivered as the cold droplets hit his back.
"I'll get you for that." He promised. After that we spent time swimming, we had lunch and we played a little volleyball and football- Suberboy even let us bury him!

       When we finished up our beach day we all went back into the Mountain, seeing as it was getting dark, in our uniforms. Batman said there was someone he wanted all of us to meet. We walked inside to see Arrow, Batman and Artemis. I nudged Rob in the ribs to let him know that was Speedy's replacement.
"I'm Blue Jay. They call me Blue or BJ."
"Miss. Martian. This is Superboy."

       "Recognized: Kid Flash, B-0-4." A form ran out from the zeta-beam, with a beach ball, a towel, a beach chair, an umbrella, a radio and an excess amount of sunscreen on his freckly nose.
"The wall-man is here!" He yelled enthusiastically, "Now let's get this party star-- Unh!" He tripped over the leg of the umbrella and fell onto the ground, sliding the rest of the way to us, "Ted." He finished. I looked at him with a smile that was threatening to become a laugh.

       "Wall-man, huh? I love the uniform." Artemis said sarcastically as she stepped forward towards Wally who was beginning to get up, "What exactly are your powers?" She raised an eyebrow
"Uh, who's this?" Wally pointed at her with a confused expression.
"Artemis, your new teammate." She held up her green compound bow as she introduced herself. Wally took a step towards her, eyeing her green suit- which now showed her stomach.
"Kid Flash." Wally stated, "Never heard of you."
"Um, she's my new protégé." Green Arrow piped up from behind her, he came up behind her and put a proud hand on her shoulder.
"What happened to your old one?"

      I heard the sound of the zeta- beam go off.
"Recognized: Speedy, B-0-7." The computer recited in a metallic voice. He looked different. His hair was spiked up, his suit was now black with a red arrow emblem on it.
"Well, for starters, he doesn't go by Speedy anymore." He said boldly while walking towards us, "Call me Red Arrow." He demanded.
"Roy. You look--" Green Arrow began. - "Replaceable?" Roy asked angrily. Everyone's mouth fell open in denial.
"It's not like that. You told me you were going solo." Green Arrow explained somberly.

       "So why waste time finding a sub?" Spee-- Red Arrow took another step closer to us, his face contorting into an even angrier expression. "Can she even use that bow?"
"Yes, she can." Artemis hissed, she got up close to Roy, looking up at him with a determined look.
"Who are you?" Wally asked throwing his hands in the air with a flustered attitude.
"I'm his niece."
"She's my niece." Artemis and GA were totally nonchalant about it- as if they had been practicing it. Which I knew they were.

        "Another niece?" Robin and I asked in unison with a prominent smirk- we knew this was gonna happen. I honestly didn't feel bad, we tried to get Speedy back, so he can't complain that we did what we had to.
"But she is not your replacement." Aqualad came to Speedy, "We have always wanted you on the team, And we have no quota on archers."
"And if we did, you know who we'd pick." Wally added. I gave him an angry look which he took notice of but brushed it off.
"Whatever, baywatch." Artemis said, rolling her eyes and shaking her head, "I'm here to stay."

       "You came to us for a reason." Aqualad reminded so that everyone would would back off of Artemis.
"Yeah, a reason named Dr. Serling Roquette." Roy answered. My mouth fell open as I quickly turned on my holographic wrist computer.
"Nanorobotics genius and claytronics expert at royal university in Star city--" I recited from memory before the files of her even came up- I absolutely loved her work.
"Vanished 2 weeks ago." Robin cut in as he looked over my shoulder at the hologram.
"Abducted 2 weeks ago by the league of shadows." Roy corrected. I gasped loudly while closing my computer.

      "Whoa. You want us to rescue her from the shadows?"
"Hard-core." Wally said excitedly at the thought of him being a hero once again. I shook my head; I was sure Roy would never come to us for help like that.
"I already rescued her." He replied smugly which confirmed my previous thought, "Only one problem. The shadows had already coerced her into creating a weapon. Doc calls it the fog, Comprised of millions of microscopic robots, nanotech infiltrators capable of disintegrating anything in their path-- Concrete, steel, flesh, bone."
"But its true purpose isn't mere destruction?" I guessed worriedy.
"It's theft. The infiltrators eat and store raw data from any computer system And deliver the stolen intel to the shadows Providing them access to weapons, strategic defense, cutting-edge science and tech."

A/N: Almost 1000 Reads?! Is that even possible?!!! Omg this is so great. Thank you so much.XOXO😘😘😘


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