Independence Day: Part 3

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     "Help! Get us down!" A civilian yelled at the firefighters from the second story of Cadmus. Flailing his arms at his supposed rescuers.
"Stay put. We will get you out." The fireman promised. All of a sudden an explosion went off- sending two men out the window. KF took off, saving the two men as he ran up the side of the building with his super speed. He managed to get them on the roof, slipping as he did so which resulted in him falling- catching himself on a second floor window.

     "Ohh, ohh!" Someone awed.
"It's what's his name--Flash boy!" One of them chanted happily. I grinned- at least people know Blue Jay. I nudged Robin going over the entire plan with just one facial expression.
"So smooth." I laughed sarcastically as Robin and I took off.
"Does he always have to run ahead?" Aqualad asked, "We need a plan. We--Robin? Blue Jay?" Was the last thing I heard before going out of earshot. Our plan was obvious. So we just began to follow through with it.
"Ha ha ha!" Robin cackled.
"Tee hee hee!" I giggled. Our laughter echoed through the space which was occupied by the flaming building. Robin shot his grappling at the lift of the fire truck. Grabbing my waist and pulling me close while we ascended, upon reaching close enough to the building he let go of me and we jumped, landing inside the second story. He helped Wally back into the building whilst I looked around for more people. I shot my head in the direction in which I heard a cough.

     I found a red haired woman cowering beneath her desk.
"Give me your hand." I demanded. She complied, I pulled her towards the window that Rob and KF were standing at. I looked out and down.
"I need to borrow that." Aqualad explained as he took his 'weapons' out and absorbed water from the water hose. He created a spiral that he mounted and rose towards the roof to help the ones Kid had put on there. On his way down I stopped him.
"One more." I instructed
"Step aboard. Now." He demanded. The woman nodded and the three civilians were taken safely to the ground.

     "Appreciate the help." Aqualad thanked sarcastically after we were all inside Cadmus- ready to look around.
"You handled it." I defended, walking over to the computer next to the one Rob was using.
"Besides, we're here to investigate." Robin added.
"Poetic justice, remember?" We reminded in unison. We looked at each other and grinned, quickly returning to the computer. Aqualad and KF began to walk around.
"There was something in the-". I heard Aqualad say as he began walking towards a darker area of the room. I furrowed my brows, Robin and I left the computer to join their side.
"Elevators should be locked down." Kid stated, while I stopped next to him.
"This is wrong." Robin walked up to where the elevator was positioned.

    I made my way beside him, checking the hologram that appeared on my wrist computer. Nudging at Robin to look at it.      
"Thought so." He whispered, "This is a high-speed express elevator." He gave me a confused look.
"It doesn't belong in a two-story building." I supplied, with a confused look that matched Rob's.
"Neither does what I saw." Aqualad took a step closer to the elevator shaft, "Unh!" He growled as he opened the two doors so that we could see inside. It was probably about a 100ft drop, but possibly much deeper. I was unable to tell due to the darkness.

     "And that's why they need an express elevator." Rob and I expressed in unison. I took my grappling out and shot at the roof, allowing it to extend until it couldn't any longer, I was followed by Robin.
"Im at the end of my rope." He stated when the extension of his cord ceased. I began throwing my legs back and forth so that I could begin to swing- Robin doing the same beside me. When I had acquired enough momentum I retracted my grappling and jumped onto the platform in which another set of elevator doors sat, Rob landed beside me. Followed by Aqualad and Kid Flash.

     "Bypassing security." Robin began hacking the elevator doors, and when he finished Aqualad opened the doors once again, "There! Go! Welcome to project Cadmus." Robin greeted. Kid put his scarlet goggles on and took off down the hall.
"Kid, Wait!" I whispered loudly. I almost ran after him but Robin put a firm hand on my shoulder.
"Aah!" I heard him shout, which was when the three of us decided all at once to go after him.

      My mouth fell open and I was at a loss of words when I saw these giant, rock-like animals. At least 20 feet tall and ten feet long, the had red eyes, large, sharp teeth and were growling angrily. Perched atop of one of the enormous animals was a small alien-looking one the had red horns, which glowed crimson for a second as it looked right at me.

      "No. Nothing odd going on here." Aqualad said sarcastically. We waited  for the long line of creatures to be gone before hurrying over to KF.
"Are you okay?!" I questioned nervously. He put a hand up to his head, shaking it a little.
"Yeah. I think so." He gave me a smirk, "Good to know you care Angel Face." I chuckled lightly. It was good to know that after almost dying Wally still had his flirtatious personality.

       Wally and I stood up quickly. The four of us began running down a hallway, stopping at a electronically locked door.
"Rob?" He nodded and began to unlock it with his wrist computer.
"Ok." He said once he got the door open, "I'm officially whelmed." On the other side of the door sat glass case after glass case which were home to tons of little creature-type-things. There was a blue hue to them, seeing as there were little blue electric bolts coming from the "animals". My mouth fell open. So this is how they were staying the grid?

      "This is how they hid this massive underground facility from the world.
The real Cadmus isn't on the grid.
It generates its own power with these things." Wally concluded as he began walking around to get a closer look at the oddities, "Must be what they're bred for."
"Of course. Even the name is a clue. The Cadmus of myth created a new race by sowing dragons' teeth into the earth." Aqualad insighted. I was speechless.

      But there was also something else that was nagging at me. Like a familiar energy that I had felt before but was completely foreign at this point.
"And this Cadmus creates new life, too." Robin stared looking around as well.
"Let's find out why." I suggested, as I opened my wrist computer and connected a wire to the computer stand that was in the room as well.
"They call them genomorphs." I informed. Robin walked up beside me to get a closer look.
"Whoa! Look at the stats on these things," he gawked as he began tapping through the variety of genomorphs, "superstrength, telepathy, razor claws." 'Telepathy?' I thought, 'That's the familiar energy.'
"These are living weapons!" Robin and I figured in unison.
"They're engineering an army, but for who?" Kid wondered as he got closer to get a better look as well."

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