Disordered: Part 2

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      Robin walked into the room, avoiding eye contact with me. I quickly wiped my tears away and tried to stop crying.
"It's okay." He whispered, "You don't have to hide your tears from me." Robin looked at the chair before he sat down, pulling his feet into his chest. I sniffled, and continued wiping my eyes. He sighed and shook his head.
"I'm sorry, Robin. I should'nt've pinned you with the burden of knowing I like you, but not liking me back. And I definitely shouldn't have been mad at you for it. I just wanted to get it off my chest before I died; but we didn't die." I said in one big breath, rubbing my arm nervously.

        "Blue, it's okay that you find me truly irresistible. I get it. I mean if I looked at this face everyday I would end up falling in love with it, as well." He gave me the most serious look, but then cracked a smile. I rolled my eyes and grinned.
"I don't know if I would go as far as saying you're irresistible, or that I'm in love with you." I laughed. I didn't notice how tense he was until I noticed all his muscles relax. He put his feet back on the ground, resting his elbows on his knees.

      "Blue Jay?" I jumped a bit, forgetting Canary was here, "Why were you mad at Robin? Why didn't you accept his feelings?" I looked at her with my mouth hanging open in an "o" shaped. Rob shifted uncomfortably, scratching the back of his neck and, once again, shrinking back into the seat.
"U-ummm.... I g-guess I was kinda mad at who he liked."
"Do you know her?" Robin asked. I chuckled inwardly.
"Batman's daughter? Yeah, I know her pretty well." I answered.
"Why are you mad I like her, then?" I felt a source of pressure and intensity come from him that I had never felt before.

      "Cause she's not me. A-and she's not better than me. In fact, I know she almost killed herself after only climbing a rope three feet off the ground by falling- she's nothing special." I answered quickly. Call me crazy but it felt great to trash talk Dolly [me]. Probably because she was the me I'm really not- the fake me. She's not capable, she's a bit ditzy, she's just... Weak. But, Blue Jay, on the other hand, she's great: she has all of Dolly's past trauma, but she can push through it, Blue Jay is tough, she's strong... She's worthy.

     I followed Robin's jaw as it dropped to the floor, immediately regretting what I had said despite how good it made me feel.
"Are you kidding?! She's beautiful, she's smart, she's sweet, she's funny. She's--"
"Weak." I interrupted. He glared at me.
"Blue Jay!" Canary cut in.
"You have no idea what she's been through." Robin defended.
"I have a better idea than you do." Robin let out a loud snort at my claim. I put up my hands in surrender, shaking my head.
"Sorry." I said sincerely, "I shouldn't mess with her if she means that much to you." Robin's look softened.
"Robin? Can you please give us a minute?" Canary asked, he nodded and left.

    •••Robin/Dick's P.O.V.•••
       I left them with a racing heart. What was I feeling in my chest? When I reached the living room and pulled Wally to the side.
"Hey, Walls?" I merely glanced up at me, "Can we talk?" He stood up slowly and followed me to one of the vacant bedrooms.
"What?" He asked, sadly. If you looked deep into his eyes you could see his head was full if Artemis. As much as I regretted worrying about me when he was in pain I had to get this off my chest.
"I-I... Kind of... Almost... Think... I might like-"
"BLUE JAY!" Wally shouted happily. He put both of his fists in the air victoriously, while I slapped a hand over his mouth.
"Dude!" I hissed angrily. He rolled his eyes and pulled my hand off of his mouth.

       "When did you realize?" I fiddled my thumbs, looking down at my shoes.
"Just now, I think. I-It's like I forgot she was human because I never saw her cry, when she never had emotion, except excitement. Like when we kissed on patrol- it's like I realized she had a heart, that she could be hurt and I felt the need to protect her." Wally's grin broadened, he began to walk circles around me, as if examining me, "But I still like Dolly. I don't know," I hung my head, "I just don't know how I feel. Stupid hormones."  I ended with a frustrated huff. Wally stroked his chin.
"Well, I'm definitely team Blue- if that helps." I shook my head and chuckled.
"Not really." I gave him an amused look, he returned it with a shrug, "Could you come by the mansion one day? So we can talk it out."

       He stopped walking, looking very deep in thought. After a few moments he looked at me with a mischievous smirk.
"Will your sister be there?"
"Probably. If she's not busy or out with friends."
"Then yeah; I'm totally going." He wiggled his eyebrows at me. I punched his shoulder roughly.
"That's my sister and crush." Wally laughed and stuck his hands up in defense.
"What? She's hot."
"And 13."

       "She'll be 14 in December." Wally reasoned, "You'll be in November, Speaking of which... When is Blue's birthday?" I shrugged my shoulders. We looked at each other before Wally spoke again.
"Blue Jay... She's about Dolly's age, right? Both are blonde-" I laughed loudly at his train of thought.
"No way! Dolly could never be Blue Jay."
"But could Blue Jay be Dolly? I mean- how hard could it be to pretend to not be able to... Well, whatever it is you guys do. And who would think Dick Grayson is Robin?" I shook my head in disbelief despite his reasonable argument.
"She would've told me when I told Blue I liked Dolly."
"Not if Batman-"
"Stop!" I whisper-shouted, "They aren't the same person.
  A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in forever. Thx for all the reads. It'll get better, I promise. And it's almost over...*cries*. I love u guys, keep reading!! XOXO😘😘😘

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