Welcome To Happy Harbor: Part 1

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      July 17th, 11:16p.m.

Blue Jay: I have intel on Speedy's location. U didn't tell the others of the replacement, rite?

Robin: Of course not. Where will me meet?

Blue Jay: Star City Harbor

Robin: KF, AL and I r on our way.

      I waited for the three boys by the old telephone booth in my suit. First came Robin, then Kid Flash, finally Aqualad.
"Where are we headed?" Aqualad whispered loudly. I motioned for them to follow me then grappled onto a roof and began running and jumping from roof to roof- the boys close behind.

       Upon reaching the Harbor I stopped, looking down to see Speedy conversing with a group of men. Seeing as I was unable to hear them I stealthily made my way down towards the loading docks; signaling the three to be quiet and follow my lead. We neared the ground then hid behind some shipment containers.

"Scorch the Earth, boys." I heard an angry, male voice demand. Wally took off as four men raised their guns. They all groaned when K. Flash knocked the weapons out of the hands of the two men standing in the back. The two who stood in the front still had their guns so I took my blue bird-a-rang out of my pocket and threw it at the man's hand on the right, Robin to the one on the left. Rob shot at the building behind them; grabbing my waist and pulling us over their heads and onto another container.
"Ha ha ha."
"Tee hee hee." Our laughs echoed off the metal containers making it seem even more creepy. Aqualad landed on the container after we had cleared it. He had acquired two whip-like things using his powers.

     He knocked the two men Rob and I hadn't hit, to the ground. A loud groan coming from the injured bodies. The man who was clearly in charge lifted up a piece of ground- like literally; he ripped some concrete from the ground and chucked it at Speedy who had begun running across the crates, pulling another arrow out of his quiver.

       The explosive tip arrow did nothing to the large man, in fact it only made him angrier.

"Hyah!" He yelled as he threw the concrete at Speedy who dodged it by maneuvering his way through the crates. Aqualad jumped in front of the next rock that came hurtling at Speedy using his weapons to smash it. Roy shot another explosive tip but this time it was much stronger.

      "The cave is perfect." Aqualad told Speedy as he removed the water from his weapons, "It has everything the team will need."
"For covert missions, you know, spy stuff." Robin supplied as we landed together next to the two boys.
"And wait till you see Superboy and Miss Martian." I added.
"But I saw her first." Wally interjected quickly running up the side of the container and back flipping onto it.
"Kid, you can't call dibs on a per-" I started.

     I heard grunting coming from the man on the ground.
"Hahh!" He grunted while throwing another large rock at us. We quickly dove out of the way- the rock smashed into the crates behind us. Speedy loaded three arrows on his bow, firing them all at the large man. They stuck into his chest; each exploding after the other and causing him to lose his balance and fall on the ground.

      From his place on the ground he looked at us with a malicious scowl.  "Heh heh. Tell Arrow he shouldn't send boys to do a man's job." He growled.
"Last time I checked I wasn't a boy." I said offendedly while taking an arrow out of Speedy's quiver and connecting something from my utility belt to it. Roy took the arrow from me and aimed it at the man.
"Go ahead." He taunted, standing up extending his arms to provide easy access to his chest.

      Speedy shot the arrow with perfect aim at his solar plexus. Foam began to quickly ooze and spread all over his body to restrain him. He coughed and yelled as the substance covered his mouth.
"High-density polyurethane foam. Nice." K. Flash said with awe as he super sped in front of Roy. He slid and crouched down, looking from me to Roy.

     "So, Speedy, you in?" Robin and I asked hopefully in sync, as I put a hand on his shoulder. Robin and KF were leaning against some containers with their arms crossed.

     "Pass. I already told you Blue- I'm done letting Arrow and the League tell me what to do." He pulled his shoulder away from me,and began to leave, "I don't need a baby sitter or a clubhouse To hang out with the other kids. Your Junior Justice League is a joke, Something to keep you busy and in your place. I don't want any part of it." I rolled my eyes angrily as he began to leave through an opening in between Rob and Kid.

     We all stared at him with wide eyes as he left.
"Fine then." I shot my grapple at a building then began making my way back to the zeta-beam.

     Upon arriving at the booth I realized something- that I if Speedy refused to join the Artemis would almost be guaranteed a spot, and don't I want my sister on a team with me?
"Well, we tried." KF said sadly as we all gathered around the zeta-beam teleporter. I crossed my arms angrily.
"It just doesn't make sense. The Roy Harper I know would never abandon Arrow like this." I huffed.
"It will be okay. There is no need to become distraught over the situation." Aqualad promised, I looked at Robin who I knew was about to say something.

     I put my hand up.
"I know what you're thinking Rob; now is not the time for back- formations." I grabbed his wrist lightly and pulled him into the booth with me.
"You're coming back to Gotham? I thought you had another two days with Canary." I shrugged my shoulders.
"I've got other things I need to worry about now. Besides, Star City has four people to help out." I could just come back tomorrow for my stuff.
"I think you mean three. Canary, Arrow and Speedy." KF corrected. I nodded then the next thing I knew I was in Gotham.

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