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     So as of now: my adoptive parents are dead, I found out who I thought were my parents weren't even my real parents, I was adopted by The Bruce Wayne and now I am standing in the Batcave.
"You're Batman?!" I exclaimed clapping my hands over my mouth. He simply nodded.
"If you're Batman..." I began doing the math in my head, "then that means Dick is Robin!" I happily realized. He looked at me with mild surprise.
"Yes." He assured slowly. Bruce walked towards the computer and sat down, motioning for me to do the same in the chair next to him.
"So why did you adopt me?" I questioned.
"I know of your abilities. I know you can fight. I know you have agility. I need you as my sidekick." He began. I was too excited to speak or ask more questions.
"I will collect your measurements and have a suit ready for you by the end of next week. But before you can do any recon you need to do some serious training," he put a hand up when I opened my mouth, "I know you've had training. But you need some more intense training if you ever want to be on the field." I nodded.
"I can't wait to tell Dick we're gonna be teammates!" I chanted happily. Bruce looked at me without any emotion before explaining that I couldn't tell Dick and I wasn't supposed to find out about Dick anyhow.

     "In fact just to keep him from realizing the similarities between you and your 'other half' I will ensure that the time you spend with him is limited. You will only interact with him during meals when at home. And as for school I am switching you out of all the classes you have with him."
"What?! You can't!" I shouted rather flustered. He glared daggers at me, I slouched backwards, releasing a nervous laugh.
"And I forbid you from dating." He continued as if I hadn't said anything. I let out a forced laugh and flipped my tangled hair over my shoulder.
"We don't like each other like that." I stated rolling my eyes.
"Right. Anyways-"
"Wait!" I interrupted, "If all of the classes I have with him I get switched out of he'll get suspicious, think I'm avoiding him." I rationalized while tapping the side of my head.
"Very well. I will allow you to keep one class with him." Bruce emphasized the word 'one'. He took out a measuring tape and began measuring me in random places: arms, legs, height, width, neck. He even asked my bra size. As he finished with the measuring he began rolling up the measuring tape.
"Considering that you're suit will be rather form fitting you will only wear loose, baggy clothes while at home to keep him from recognizing your shape. Uniform at school." I nodded at his instructions.
"Got it. Just call me 'Blue Jay'." I grinned at the name I came up with while he was talking- it was a bird- like 'Robin'.
"So the colours of your suit?" Bruce asked. I grabbed a pen and a piece of paper of his desk and began doodling a quick sketch.

A/N: This is really just a filler chapter. The next one will be up soon. XOXO

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