Fireworks: Part 1

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'Time runs short. You must awaken. You must awaken now!' A voice demanded within my head. I opened my eyes with a loud scream. It's been forever since I had another's voice inside my head, now it's migraine inducing.
"What? What do you want? Quit staring. You're creeping me out." Wally pleaded angrily, looking at the starring clone. I groaned incontently, looking around with my eyes squinted, even the dim lights were too much for my head to take.
"Uh, KF, how about we not tick off the guy who can fry us with a look?" Rob suggested, "Blue? Are you okay?" I nodded slowly. I was never honest about actually being hurt. At this point I had: a burned leg, a few cracked ribs and a worse than terrible migraine...
"We only sought to help you."
"Yeah. We free you, and you turn on us." KF seemed rather offended. I looked down at the clone, only just realising my hands were in cuffs above my head.

"How's that for grat-?!"
"Kid, please, be quiet now." Aqualad pleaded, "I believe our new friend is not in full control of his actions." I looked up at my gloves, pressing a small button in them that extended a pick-lock and began to undo what kept me hostage.
"Wha--what if-- what if I wasn't?" The clone asked insecurely.
"He can talk?"
"Yes, he can." Supey growled, I rolled my eyes, which made my head pound. I groaned slightly- too quiet for anyone to hear.

      "Not like I said, it." K. Flash defended.
"The genomorphs taught you telepathically."
"They taught me much. I can read, write. I know the names of things."
"But have you seen them?" I questioned, now undoing the lock without looking. "Have they ever actually let you see the sky or the sun?" Robin asked, I was sure he had started undoing the locks as well- we did learn from Batman himself.
"Images are implanted in my mind, but no. I have not seen them." The clone sighed.
"Do you know what you are, who you are?"
"I am the Superboy, a genomorph, a clone made from The DNA of the Superman, created to replace him should he perish, to destroy him should he turn from the light." Super Boy explained boldly. My mouth fell open. What!?

"To be like Superman is a worthy aspiration, but like Superman, you deserve a life of your own beyond that solar suit, beyond your pod, beyond Cadmus." Aqualad assured. I looked at Robin, nodding to let him know I had unlocked my cuffs, by his frown I could tell he hasn't yet.
"I live because of Cadmus! It is my home!" Super Boy raged, loud enough to set my head ache off again.
"Your home is a test tube." Robin reminded.

     "We can show you the sun." I promised sweetly.
"Uh, pretty sure it's after midnight, but we can show you the moon." Wally corrected. I gave him a glare that told him to shut it.
"We can show you, introduce you to Superman." Aqualad guaranteed. The doors in the back opened and in came an older male with brown hair that had two gray stripes in the front and glasses.
"No, they can't. They'll be otherwise occupied." He sneered, "Activate the cloning process."
"Pass." Robin denied, "Ever since our new member the Batcave's crowded enough."
"Jerk!" I joked loudly with a mean tone, causingy head ache to make black spots dance around the room.
"And get the weapon back in its pod!" The brunette demanded to Guardian.
"Hey." KF burst our, "How come he gets to call Supey an it?"
"Help us." Aqualad pleased. We all looked down at Supey with hopeful looks. He gave us a promising look but was interrupted by the man demanding he didn't start thinking now.

"See, you're not a real boy." He informed, "You're a weapon, and you belong to me! Well, to Cadmus. Same thing. Now get back to your pod!" A G-Gnome hopped onto Super Boy's shoulder. When it's horns became crimson I knew Supey was going to do whatever he was told. He, unemotionally, walked out of the room, and out the door which closed and locked behind him. A man at the computers clicked a few buttons, before I knew it two mechanical arms came up. I was stabbed in the chest by the many little needles it possessed.

"No!" I screamed as the voltage began coursing through my body.
"Unh!" I heard the boys yelling and groaning. I would never admit it to any of my teammates but I actually began crying, I couldn't stand it any longer.
"Superboy, you live. That gives you the right to follow your own path. A weapon or a person, the choice is yours, but ask yourself, 'what would Superman do?'" I heard someone mutter. I couldn't hear too much because of the voltage. But I knew Aqualad was taking advantage of Super Boy's super hearing.

      I gave a mental cheer as I saw Supey break into the lab, ripping the door from the wall. Which caused the electrifying to stop. He growled angrily, I knew we would be saved. He threw the door off to the side, beginning to walk towards the four of us.
"I told you to get back to your-!"
"Don't give me orders." The clone yelled shoving them out of the way and into a wall. Super Boy continued walking towards us.

"You here to help us or fry us?" Robin and I questioned together, although I was a little hoarse.
"Huh. I don't seem to have heat vision, so I suppose helping is my only option." Super Boy said thoughtfully. Suddenly Robin came out of his case and started rubbing his wrists.
"Ahh. Finally! Lucky Batman isn't here." He explained worriedly.
"He'd have your head for taking so long." I laughed weakly as I got out of my own restraints. I stumbled a few steps before managing to somewhat support myself on a table.

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