New Years

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  Dec 31st

        That was it- our last mission of the year was a success. I, honestly, couldn't have been more proud of the team. We came a long way from the four of us defying the League and going on the Cadmus mission.

      I felt a pair of eyes burning into my skin, when I turned to look I saw that Robin was staring at me intently; wantingly. I gave him a big smile. He looked down at his watch and showed me the time was 11:59pm. I shrugged my shoulders at him, giving him a sly and playful smirk.

      "Happy New Year, Justice League!" I heard a shout just as the clock struck 12. I stole a glance at Wally, who had picked up Artemis bridal style. I smiled broadly as I watched the exchange.
"I should've done this a long time ago." He touched his forehead to hers; giving me a thankful wink.
"No kidding." She laughed, pulling his lips towards hers.

Then, one by one, the rest of the team began kissing their crush. If possible, my smile broadened.
"This was the best birthday ever." I whispered to myself- yeah, my birthday is December 31st- I share a birthday with Voldemort. I was yanked out of my thoughts when I noticed Zatanna walking over towards Robin. I grabbed her shoulder and pulled her backwards.
"No way, Zee. He's mine." I growled playfully as I shoved past her and flung my arms around Robin's neck.

        He grabbed my waist intensely and shifted me to my toes. Our lips connecting with fireworks going off. After a few seconds we parted, he rested his forehead on mine, breathing heavily.
"I love you, Blue Jay. I love everything about you."
"And I love you," I dropped my voice so no one would here his name, "Dick Grayson. But-"
"But what?!" He whispered loudly, with a worried expression.
"How can you say you love everything about me if you've never seen my eyes?" I looked at him where his eyes were hidden. I heard his breath hitch as I brought my hand up, using his body to hide myself from everyone else.

        I removed my mask from my face and his mouth fell open.
"Dolly?" He questioned with disbelief. I nodded slowly.
"Sorry I didn't tell you. I wanted to as soon as Batman-" He pulled me into a tighter hug.
"I don't care. I understand. It's not your fault. And Happy Late Birthday." I gave him another kiss- this time much more loving and slow. Our lips fit perfectly together, like they were made for each other.

        This time when he pulled away it was unimaginably slow. But when he was a good distance away he just stared at my face.
"What?" I asked nervously, "Do I have something on my face?" Robin laughed and shook his head.
"Just trying to remember your face, so that I'll always be able to recognize it."

~Two Days Later~

     First mission of the year 2011. Our enlarged group of heroes were out on a recon mission in Gotham. I grappled onto the bank's roof and perched myself so that I was looking over a good portion of the city.

       I felt an unwelcomed presence behind me. I whipped around to see Harley Quinn twirling her pink pigtail. I was about to press the Bat Alert on my belt but I felt a syringe in my neck that instantly paralyzed me. I tried to shout and move but the only thing I could do was move my eyes.
"So, puddin'? This was the girl who made you think she was me?" Quinn asked as she leered over me, making bubbles with her gum. I was dropped onto the floor, now a new face joined my field of vision.

       "Indeed it was." Joker cackled. Quinn tutted, tapping her index on her lips.
"I could kill her right now." She pointed her gun at my head, "But that's too easy." She spun the gun around her finger then put it away.
"Maybe not, these types of people don't tend to stay dead. I mean! We couldn't even kill her after cutting the lines of her grapple." Joker knelt down beside me, "She seemed to really want to be you." Joker whispered as he stoked my hair.

      "That can be arranged. With a bit of sanity-risking torture she'll be like me in no time." I felt a tear run down my cheek, "She's cryin'! Haha!" She crouched down besides Joker, looking me up and down. Her eyes finally resting on my neck.
"What's this?" Joker questioned, catching her eye, he trailed a cold finger down my cheek and to my neck. His finger stopped when it took ahold if a certain silver chain. Harley laughed as she quickly yanked it off, breaking the clasp.

        "Aw. How sweet, a robin charm for the Blue Jay. Well, how 'bout you tell us The Batman's and Robin's secret identity," she held up my necklace and inspected it as she spoke, "and we won't torture you... As much, either way going with us. Blink twice for 'I'll tell you'." I looked up at her, unblinkingly.

       She laughed, bringing her bat up and striking my stomach. Shrugging her shoulders she motioned for Joker to pick me up.
"I guess I'll just leave this here for your friends to find." Harley explained as she took out a piece of paper, I barely saw it, but it read 'I'm leaving'- somehow in my handwriting. I was tossed over Joker's shoulder, then Quinn came and held my mouth and nose shut, making me pass out.

       A/N: It's over!!!😱 I'm sorry for the ending but it sets up the next book "For the Love of Nightwing". The next book won't be heavily based off the show so the updates will be more often. Thanks to everyone whose stuck with Dolly until this point. For the last time in this book- I love you guys, thanks for the reads!! XOXO😘😘😘

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