Fireworks: Part 5

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Thursday July 8th

      I stood behind Robin in the Batcave with much more ease seeing as my leg was completely healed thanks to some crazy technology one of the Justice League heroes came up with came up with. I was waiting to use the zeta-beam teleporter to get to Mount Justice. We were wearing civilian clothes but Bruce had on his uniform- I hadn't talked to Bruce very much in the past three days, he didn't seem to care all that much but I knew it bothered him. Dads always feel a different way to their daughters than their sons. But I was still upset at him.

     I wore my my skinniest skinny, blue jeans and a purple crop top that showed my stomach but covered half my neck, so i wouldn't have to remove my necklace with the robin on it, and had a keyhole back but you couldn't see it because my hair was down(Oh! How I missed clothes like this!) I had on black sunglasses, as well. Robin was wearing black pants with a red shirt and maroon jacket- he wore black sunglasses, too.

     The computer scanned Robin.
"Recognized: Robin B-0-1." The computer recited, then the light scanned me, "Recognized: Blue Jay B-0-2." Then in went to Batman, "Recognized: Batman 0-2." I felt a sickening feeling in my gut as we were teleported to the inside of a large mountain. I took Robin's hand and interlocked my fingers with his, giving him an excited squeeze.

     After a little bit all the heroes and their sidekicks had appeared.
"Hey gorgeous." Wally greeted. I chuckled and rolled my eyes as the sidekicks grouped up to look at the superheroes- ever since the mission I had grown to like Wally's little antics.

     "This cave was the original secret sanctuary of the Justice League. We're calling it into service again." Batman explained while gesturing a hand towards the entire cave, "Since you five are determined to stay together and fight he good fight, you'll do it on League terms.

     "Red Tornado volunteered to live here and be Your supervisor. Black canary's in charge of training." I gave her a big smile- she was one of my biggest inspirations and she knew that, "I will deploy you on missions."
"Real missions?" Robin and I asked in unison. I realized I was still holding his hand but instead of letting it go I held onto it a little tighter.
"Yes, but covert."
"The League will still handle the obvious stuff. There's a reason we have these big targets on our chests." Flash said playfully as he pointed at the lightning bolt emblem on his chest.
"But Cadmus proves the bad guys are getting smarter. Batman needs a team that can operate on the sly."

      "The six of you will be that team." I scrunched up my nose as I counted five.
"Cool! Wait." Wally jumped up and down but then stopped, "Six?" A girl with green skin and red hair came out from behind Manhunter, she was pretty but looked awfully familiar.

     "This is the Martian Manhunter's niece Miss Martian."
"Hi." She said sweetly, waving a timid hand at the five of us. Four of us ran over to her ready to introduce ourselves after Robin dropped my hand.
"Liking this gig more every minute.
Welcome aboard. I'm Kid Flash.
That's Robin," Rob gave a rock and roll greeting with his hand, "Blue Jay," I gestured hello with my thumb and pinky out (surfer style), "Aqualad." He just waved, "It's cool if you forget their names." Wally explained energetically while draping an arm around her shoulders.

     I laughed and gave her a hug.
"Finally. Another girl." I squealed happily. But honestly I was a little intimidated- since she had powers it would be a lot more work for Rob and I to keep up, plus now I had extra competition since she was a girl.
"I'm honored to be included."
"Hey, Superboy." I called.
"Come meet miss M." Robin suggested. Supey reluctantly came over, crossing his arms when he stopped in front of us.
"I like your t-shirt." Miss. M complimented pointing at Superboy's black shirt that had the superman logo in red across the chest. She looked down at her own white shirt that had a large red X, black quickly consumed the white. SB held back a smile but eventually it broke free.

      "That's so cool." I said in awe as I stared at her new shirt with a big grin across my face.
"Do all girls reveal as much as you?" She asked rather confused while poking my stomach that showed under my crop top, "Because from what I had learned they usually wear very modest clothing."
"Well," I took on a very haughty tone , "my mom told me that if you've got then flaunt it. And I've got it." The boys all chuckled with amusement but she looked confused; I guess she wasn't familiar with Earth humor like this.

      Wally pulled me by the shoulders so that his arms were around both her and I.
"Ha! She's covering up a lot more than usual, actually. This is the first time I've seen her in pants." Wally pointed out as I squirmed out of his arm and gave it a playful punch.
"This is the first time I've seen her in civies actually." Robin added. Wally's mouth fell open and he looked at Robin.
"Wait! Rob, do you even know her secret identity?" He asked, we both shook our head.
"Batman knows Rob would treat me differently out in the field if he knew who I really was." I pointed out, Robin gawked at me with the new information. I shrugged my shoulders at him and held my hands up in apology.

"So, Blue Jay, are you implying that you are aware of Robin's true identity?" Aqualad asked me.
"I am."
"Bats told you?" Robin questioned with exasperation and a hint of disbelief. I shook my head innocently.
"Of course not. I figured it out. And to be fair you could easily figure out who I am but you're so blind and stubborn you can't connect my alter egos." I explained, using my hands to represent my two personalities. I touched my index fingers together but separated them when I said he couldn't connect them.

     Wally put his hand over his mouth.
"Ooooo! Rob! Are you gonna take that?!" He chanted provokingly. Robin stood there speechless.
"Don't worry, KF, I'll figure it out."
"Please do. Keeping it a secret gets tedious." I teased while poking his shoulder. I let my hand rest on his shoulder then slid it down his arm to his elbow.

       A/N: OMG!!! 300 READS!? Y'ALL  ARE THE BEEEEST. Keep reading. XOXO😘😘😘

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