Independence Day: Part 4

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     "Wait." I ordered, "There's something else."
"Project Kr." Robin noticed. I began to search through the complicated coding. Rolling my eyes at the level of difficulty it possessed.
"Ugh! The file's triple-encrypted." I sighed, "We can't-"

     "Don't move!", an angry voice snarled loudly followed by four of the strange alien-like creatures getting closer to us while growling angrily, "Wait. Robin, Blue Jay, Aqualad, Kid Flash?" The man in the golden helmet seemed slightly confused and fairly out of it.
"At least he got your name right." Robin teased Wally, turning back to the difficult firewall we were attempting to get past. Aqualad stepped towards the man.
"I know you. Guardian, a hero." Aqualad said as if trying to remind him of that.

     "I do my best." Guardian smirked.
"Then what are you doing here?"
"I think that's my question, boys." Guardian began, I snorted loudly, "And girl. I'm chief of security. You're trespassing, but we can call the Justice League, figure this out." He offered. I stood up and got beside Aqualad.
"You think The League's gonna approve of you breeding weapons?" I doubted. "Weapons? What are you--what have I--ugh. My head." He complained grabbing his temple. He looked at the G-Gnome on his shoulder, it's horns glowing crimson. The four of us gave each other puzzled looks.

      "Take them down hard! No mercy!" He ordered of the creatures, once again turning vicious. I threw a smoke bomb onto the ground, Robin shot his grappling at a metal bar near the ceiling. He took ahold of my waist and up we went. We climbed through one of the vents, getting out a short way after. We stopped at another electronically locked door. Robin immediately began to decode it.

     "Way to be a team player, Rob and BJ!" KF hissed sarcastically as him and Aqualad ran up to us panting.
"Weren't you right behind us?" Robin and I canvassed in unison. The light turned green and the elevator doors opened. I grabbed Wally's wrist, yanking him into the elevator. I waited near the entrance because Aqualad still hasn't managed to get in.
"C'mon!" I shouted as many genomorphs began to advance on him rather quickly. He began running quickly, upon nearing the shaft he dove inside, just barely making it as the doors closed.

     When I helped him stand up he looked at the small screen that told the floor we were on.
"We're headed down?" Aqualad huffed with disbelief.
"Dude, out is up." KF affirmed.
"Excuse me? Project Kr, it's down on sub-level 52." Robin declared. I nodded in agreement.
"That's why we're here." I pointed my index finger at the ground beneath our feet. Doubting that either boy seriously wished to cease the adventure, call it quits, to not show the JL that we are capable and can be trusted.

     "This is out of control." Aqualad sighed, scratching the back of his neck and pacing around the elevator, "Perhaps-perhaps we should contact The League." I ignored his plead, the elevator dinged softly when we reached sub-level 52. I was shocked at first, when the doors opened, beyond the doors was a giant room with pink and red walls that just seemed alien. It had large computers and odd debris just sitting off to the side. It was only when Robin took off did I finally move.

     "We are already here." Wally supplied. The two boys, who really seemed to enjoy being in the back, took off running as well. They stopped next to us.
"Which way?"
"Yeah. Bizarre-looking hallway one?" I began, looking at the hallway on the left.
"Or bizarre-looking hallway two?" Rob finished, eyeing the one on the right.
"Halt!" Another strange looking creature ordered. He stuck his hand up and, with his horns glowing crimson, he threw a couple barrels our way using telekinesis (which were barely blocked).

      Rob took out one of his exploding discs and threw it at the creature. Which he easily maneuvered out of the way using his telekinesis. The four of us began running, I was at the back of the group. I yelped as another explosion went off behind us, my shin and calf getting mildly burnt.
"Blue, please tell me you're okay?" Robin pleaded. I lied and told him I was fine, just to keep running.
"They are headed for project Kr!" A voice yelled. We turned a sharp corner.

      Wally was in front so he knocked a woman heels over head because he couldn't stop quick enough.
"Aah!" She yelped. Usually I would help her up but now was not the time. The large doors- in which she exited- were beginning to close. Kid super sped to get something to keep it from closing.
"Hurry!" KF demanded as he stuck a barrel between the closing doors. I ran in first, diving through as Robin came after me, then Aqualad- who kicked the barrel and allowed the door to fully close.

     "I disabled the door." Robin informed.
"We're safe then." I promised, turning around to look at the dark room we were now in.
"We're trapped." Aqualad huffed.
"Uh, guys. You'll want to see this." KF was near the darkest part of the room.  He pushed a few random buttons, in doing so a large tube was lit up- revealing someone dressed in all white except for the red superman emblem on his chest.
"Whoa!" The four of us gawked in unison

     "Big 'k,' little 'r,' the atomic symbol for krypton. Clone?" Wally was now inspecting the case very closely.
"Robin, Blue Jay, hack." Aqualad asserted. "Oh. Right, right." Robin agreed, pulling a wire out and hooking it to the computer, as if that should've been the first thing we started doing, "Weapon designation Superboy, a clone force-grown in 16 weeks?"
"From DNA acquired from Superman." I finished reading.
"Stolen from Superman." Aqualad corrected.
"No way the big guy knows about this." Flash doubted. Looking from the clone back to Robin.
"Solar suit allows him to absorb yellow sun radiation 24/7."
"And these creatures?" I asked.
"Genomorph gnomes, telepathic, force-feeding him an education." Rob answered.
"And we can guess what else." Kid supplied, "They're making a slave out of, well, Superman's son."
"Now we contact The League." Aqualad suggested. I nodded in agreement, sending out a message to Batman as Aqualad touched his belt.
"No signal." He sighed.
"We're in too deep, literally." I chuckled.

     •••Robin's P.O.V.•••
     "What are we gonna do?" Blue questioned nervously. She was repeatedly looking back and forth between me and the clone. Blue reminded me of someone, the girl I like back home...
"This is wrong." KF stated posterior to a loud hissing sound.
"We can't leave him like this." Blue reasoned.
"Set him free. Do it." Aqualad ordered. I nodded and started unlocking the tube. Another hissing sound was heard as he opened his eyes, popping all his fingers due to him curling his stiff fists.

     "Unh!" The clone growled, leaping out of his case. He attempted to attack Blue but Aqualad pushed her out of the way. He was tackled to the ground and the clone began punching him in the face many times. The three of us immediately jumped onto his back- I was wrestling with his arm and KF struggling with the other while Blue had him by the neck.
"Whoa! Hang on, Supey."
"We're on your side." I confronted. The clone let out a grunt and flung his arm, sending Blue and KF into the wall. I felt rage bubble up inside me, it was difficult- but possible- to control it.
"I don't want to do this." I yelled taking a gas bomb out of my utility belt and slapping it against his neck. He began coughing as the smoke filled his lungs.
"That one was for Blue." I muttered as quitely as possible.

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