Failsafe: Part 2

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         We all boarded the bioship after changing into clothes for the cold, which were all white for the sake of camouflage. My suit now covered my  stomach, consisted of pants, a had a white hood, I wore white boots and gloves.

      We landed in a snowy place with many mountains. The wind blowing the snow all over. I pulled my solid white cape tighter around my shoulders as I shivered and attempted to refrain from chattering my teeth.

         We all huddled together and went over the plan once more, then went our separate ways- Artemis and Megan went to attack a large black ship. I watched closely from behind Artemis- who had an polyurethane foam arrow loaded on her bow. Miss. Martian was flying around in camouflage mode, then she ripped of one of the wings of the ship with her telekinesis.
"Communications disabled." She said in the telepathic-link. Artemis took no time before shooting at one of the red propellers.
"Propulsion disabled." Artemis announced, the gun on top of the ship began shooting. I pulled Artemis out of the way when a red beam came towards the snowy rock we were hiding behind. I guess she had the same idea to get me out of the way there was now a large hole.

       "And E.T.s are sealed inside." I said through the com link. Aqualad shot from the ice in which the alien ship was sitting on and it began shooting like mad again. I jumped out from behind the rock and ran toward the ship. I saw Wolf, Superboy's wolf, attack the gun and give Superboy a chance to grab the shooter.

      "Uhh! Identifying weapon's structural stress points and links to the ship." Robin said as I joined them on top of the ship, "Here, here, and here." He pointed at different parts of the shooter. Miss. Martian nodded and used her telekinesis to destroy the three indicated places while Suberboy still held onto it. I heard an unpleasant crackling sound.

       I looked around and by the time I noticed where it came from it was too late- Wolf had pushed SB out if the way and was disintegrated right before my eyes.
"Wolf." I said simply, completely dumbstruck. I had to keep telling myself it wasn't real, but it didn't help.
"There was no indication of feedback." Robin informed as he checked his computer, "I'm sorry." How he did it I will never know, but Superboy just brushed it off with only the words "Can't do anything for him now. Let's go." He returned to the laser shooter and with the help of Miss. Martian, he successfully ripped it off.

        We all jumped over to the camouflaged bioship so Miss. Martian could attach the shooter to it.
"Ahhh​! Rerouting systems to integrate weapon into ship's biomatrix. We'll need to decamouflage for a few minutes." She explained into the mind link as the ship was once again completely visible. I heard a whizzing sound coming from the sky, I looked up worriedly and saw two more black ships zooming around over us.
"May not have a few minutes." I yelled at everyone in my head.
"Miss Martian, open fire." Aqualad ordered.
"Can't.Weapon systems are offline to incorporate the new cannon. And that's not fully integrated yet, either." Miss. Martian complained. I rolled my eyes as I jumped down next to Artemis who had her arrows drawn at the ships.
"Got you covered." I said into the link.
"Get inside." Artemis ordered. I attached an extra explosive to her arrow and she shot them. She lowered her bow and we both began to run back towards the bioship.
"Almost there." I reassured.
"Blue Jay, Artemis, behind you!" I looked back and began running quicker, but not quick enough. Artemis reached down and hoisted my foot up, pushing me upward and toward the bioship. I made it inside, taking no time before whipping around to watch Artemis.
"C'mon!" I cried out, but she didn't make it. She was zapped with one of the lasers, I saw her skeleton right before she was gone for good. I fell backwards into the ship and began crying.
"Uhh! Artemis! Artemis!" Miss. Martian yelled; her words were the first to be said out loud.
"Get inside." Aqualad demanded. "All of you." He ran outside ready to attack the ships.

       I fell into Robin's chest and began weeping.
'This can't be happening. This isn't real. She was my sister! It's my fault. She saved me.' I thought to myself as I cried for the first time in front of the team. I heard an explosion behind me and turned to look at everyone; we were all standing in the snow right outside the ship. Robin grabbed my waist and pulled me back into his chest, whispering calming words into my ear.

      "Aah!" Wally growled, "They're dead. Every single alien, if it's the last thing I do." He let out an angry huff. It was at the moment I realized I wasn't the only one who loved Artemis. Sure mine was in a sisterly way, but Wally's sudden outburst led me to believe he cared for her. Robin led me back into the ship, Miss. Martian took the pilot seat and we took off.

      Everyone was deafeningly quiet, which just made my heart ache even more. I sat sideways in Robin's lap and my ear rested on his shoulder. He rubbed my arm affectionately and stroked my hair every once in a while. Megan just cried, Wally was banging against the table angrily.

      "There will be time to mourn later." Aqualad said after the last time Wally yelled angrily, "Now we have a job to do-- defend the Earth and ensure Artemis' sacrifice was not in vain." I cried even harder when Aqualad spoke. It just made it seem more real- Artemis is gone.
"Back to the cave?" Robin asked.
"The hall of justice." Aqualad corrected, "The human race must know that there are still heroes defending them."
"T-there is s-s-still hope." I stuttered through sobs, burying my face further into Robin, who hugged me tighter.


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