Breaking Point

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     "You mean you know about my powers?" I asked Batman with disbelief.
"Yes. In fact I know how you got them." I looked at Batman with the same confused face that Robin had on the whole time.
"You mean I wasn't born with them?"
"No. And...." He pinched the bridge of his nose, "Your father gave them to you."

          "Look. I know my father is smart in computers and all but let's be real... He's not that smart."
"Not the dad that adopted you when you were nine. No, I'm talking about your real dad."
"He worked in a circus."
"No. Your real father is Sportsmaster." His tone dropped at the mention of Sportsmaster. My jaw dropped and Robin started going ballistic.

      "What?! If Sportsmaster gave her her powers how do we know he didn't implant a code word that turns her evil? How do we know she's not evil already?!"
"Because." Batman stated, "Robin when we found out about what Sportsmaster did to her, she was still a baby, we took her and put her in a foster home. She didn't have time to be raised evil." I looked up at him and felt my throat get dry. Code word? What does that mean?
"And the code word?" I asked nervously.

       Robin looked from Batman to me to Batman.
"Stay calm," Robin pleaded, but then he gave me a look, "Doll face". I took in a deep breath, almost ready to lunge onto Robin.
"That's her trigger word." Batman explained, "It makes her mad. We hacked all the online files and all the ones that weren't on the computer." I realized he was right. It wasn't just being called 'Doll face' that made me mad; it was just hearing the word.
'How did Robin guess Doll face? Is that a common trigger word? I mean it's not like he knows me.' 

       I ran a hand through my hair, looking around the living room. My eyes landed on my unmoving parents. I gasped as I put a hand to my mouth. Sobbing as I fell to my knees once again. I shook my head violently.

   Dick's P.O.V.
     I watched as Dolly fell to the ground and began crying. Must've just hit her that her parents were dead- gone. I got an alert on my watch.
"Bats", I whispered, "The bomb. five minutes.." He looked at me with a worried look.
"I'll get Joker. You get the girl." He demanded. He didn't hear that I corrected him by mumbling her name under my breath. I walked over to Dolly very slowly, she must be so fragile right now. I knelt down beside her and touched her back lightly.
"We have to go." I whispered. She shook her head and turned around, she placed her body between my arms and her head on my chest. I sighed, but then embraced her tightly, she began crying even harder. I hesitantly began rocking her back and forth.
  Dolly's P.O.V.
     I felt a hand on my back.
"We have to go." A soft voice told me. I shook my head and began crying in his chest- this was the second time I had seen my parents dead. I felt his arms wrap around me protectively. I started calming down when he started rocking back and forth. I pulled away slowly and looked at him with my puffy, red eyes.
"I d-didn't tell my mom i loved her when i left this m-morning." I cried.
He helped me stand up, then led me outside.

      "H-how did i-i-it get dark all of a s-sudden?" I asked him. I looked at him with worried eyes, but I couldn't see his under his mask.
"Dolly, You were knocked out over 3 hours." He explained slowly. I looked around again and noticed a bunch of cop cars that were cleverly placed behind bushes, a dumpster and other cars.

     One of the men with a blue button down and black pants approached me.
"I'm Officer Rutt. I'm assuming you are the child that lives here."
"Used to." I mumbled. The officer gave me a distraught look. Hey! He has the same name as one of my teachers!
"Ah, well yes. So I guess we have to take you to the Gotham Orphanage."
"NO!" I bellowed, "I refuse! I have a life! I have friends! I have a school that I am not leaving! You can't make me!" I felt a hand land on my shoulder.
"Get off me, Robin!" I slapped his hand off my shoulder.

   Batman's P.O.V.
     I was shoving Joker in the back of a cop car when I heard the loud voice of a girl. I looked over to Robin and saw the blonde-headed girl screaming at a cop. Probably about refusing foster care or going to the orphanage, she did the same thing when we took her to foster care when her first adopted parents were killed. I made my way over to diffuse the problem and I knew exactly how- I had been keeping a close watch on her since she was a baby.

    Your P.O.V.
     "Is there a problem?" A deep voice asked.
"Yes!" I ranted impatiently, "According to you," I pointed an angry finger at Batman's chest, "This isn't the second time I've been left parentless. The first time I was a baby; everyone wants a baby that they can raise to be the way they are! The second time I was a little kid! NO ONE WANTS A TEENAGER!!!!," I folded my arms infront of my chest, "Especially not one who's a freak." I mumbled.
"You're not a freak." Robin defended. I shook my head.
"What if I could promise you an adoption by the end of the week?" Batman suggested. I gave him a look of disbelief, and even under his meshed mask I could tell that Robin was looking at Batman with wide eyes- like he knew what he was planning to do, but wasn't sure if that's what he was going to do.
"What about school?" I asked desperately.
"Ok. I'll have you a good family that will let you continue your normal life in less than three days." Batman promised. I began to tear up again. Giving him a tight hug around his abdomen while mumbling a word of 'thanks'. As soon as I released him I turned around and gave Robin a hug; my back to the house.
I gasped and attempted to turn around but Robin secured me tightly as my house exploded and went up in flames.
"It's for the best." He whispered. I nodded and began bawling into his shoulder once again. Officer Rutt took me by the arm and led me to a cop car. Then he started it, then he drove me to the police station, then I filled out paperwork, then I answered some questions, then I was taken to the orphanage where I waited for a total of two days, 17 hours and 49 minutes, then...


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