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      Then I heard my name being called by an older, brown haired women.
"Yes, ma'am?" I asked looking up from my Criminal Psychology essay; it was due tomorrow.
"There's a man here who's has asked for you by name." She explained without any emotion, I knew she hated children.
'Is it someone from the school?'  I thought to myself. I hadn't been in three days... But I thought the officers were supposed to take care of that. I also lost my phone, well not lost, it was taken from me because the orphanage refused to pay for my phone bill. I stood up and followed the lady out to a small conference room.

   Dick's P.O.V.
     I sat there anxiously as Bruce and I waited for a certain blonde to walk through the door of the dull room we were waiting in. I knew she had entered when a sudden wave of happiness came over me; the room became less dull.

     Bruce and I stood up when she entered the room. She wore a a grey t-shirt, khakis and a brown knitted sweater, not even a glance at me, Bruce extended his hand for her to shake.
"Nice to meet you, Miss. Johnson. I'm Bruce Wayne." She shook his hand while wearing a nervous smile.
"Hello, Mr. Wayne." She released his hand and turned to me, prepared to shake my hand, her pale cheeks taking on a light pink hue.
"H-hi, Dick." She greeted nervously. She shook my hand, surprisingly firm.
"Hey Dolly." I replied with my warmest smile. I wanted nothing more than to make her comfortable in her current situation. Bruce and I waited for her to sit before we returned to our seats.

   Dolly's P.O.V.
     I sat down in the brown folding chair. I was still a little nervous and a little shaken.
"So this file here tells me that you are fairly intelligent." Mr. Wayne told me. I ran a hand through my knotted hair and nodded.
"Well I guess. I mean... I get straight A's. And some of the trophies my elementary school has for academic achievements are mine." I explained.
"Yes and I understand that you are also big in athletics as much as academics." He stated while looking through the papers he had in a folder, I nodded my head, "What sports?"
"Oh you know, the common school ones: soccer, track, volleyball, girls flag football. I also took gymnastics and boxing since I was 4." Bruce nodded to my answer, "May I ask why you're so curious?" He stroked his chin, while it looked like he thought long and hard about an answer.
"I just want to know what your interests are... Seeing as I'm adopting you." My heart skipped three beats. I suddenly remembered something... Dick. How can I live with him? How can I live with two guys? But then I remembered something else.  1) I wouldn't be in this depressing orphanage any longer and 2) Bruce Wayne has serious cash.
"I'm in."

     The ride home was a long one. I sat in the back of the sleek, black limo for what seemed like hours, Bruce was sitting in front with the British driver. I guess it makes sense that the ride was forever long- the two places were no doubt very different parts of Gotham. I talked a bit with Dick. He said he knew about what happened from the news and that he was sorry. He didn't seem upset about me living with him but he sure didn't seem excited.

   Dick's P.O.V.
     I was happy that Dolly was moving in- I'd get to spend way more time with her. But I had to play it off; act cool. I lied to her... Told her I knew about what happened by seeing it on the news. Im obviously not going to be able to tell her I'm Robin, so why did Batman adopt her. No offense to her but she didn't look like she could handle herself; yeah, I know she's done all this martial arts and other sports plus her powers (which couldn't be that good for self defence- I mean she can only use a siren effect (Bruce said he would try to get rid of them for her)) but she clearly wasn't capable of being out on the field, I mean look at how poorly she handled herself with Joker! He could've hurt her. Keeping her around would also make it too hard to keep the secret. If Batman adopted every child he rescued he would be the orphanage.
'So what are you up to Bats?'

   Dolly's P.O.V.
     We drove through a grand gate entrance into a spacious, perfectly green, perfectly cut field that showed a large mansion neatly tucked behind some giant trees.
"Woah." I whispered in awe by what I was seeing outside the window. I looked over to Dick who was starting at me intently.
"Having fun?" He chuckled. I nodded, looking deep into his beautiful blue eyes.
"So, I would like to think that I'm not the only one super weirded out by this." I stated-  acknowledging the  elephant in the room.
"Yeah. When I asked you out I never could've thought that three days later you would legally be my sister." He scratched the back of his neck, I cringed at the thought.
"At least we only planned a friend date." The limo came to a smooth stop, Dick didn't bother trying to get out until the British man came and opened the door for him.
"I think you are going to like it here, Miss. Dolly." Alfred reassured.
"Thank you." I nodded and gave him a smile.

     As soon as I walked into Wayne Manor Dick grabbed me and led me to my new room (which was right across from his). It was huge... It was like the size of two of the rooms in my old house. I walked around it, mumbling the tiny changes I could make, also how I could decorate it.
"Dolores? Can I talk to you for a moment?" I jumped a bit at the sudden voice. I turned around, Bruce Wayne standing tall above me.
"Yes, sir."

      I followed him to an old grandfather clock, he moved the hands to what I assume to be two specific numbers. An entrance appeared and he led me down to a dark room. I looked around a bit- there were large computers, tables with gun looking things and glass tubes with... The Batman and Robin suits?
"This, Dolores, is the Batcave." He explained as my jaw fell open.
"No. Way."




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