Black Canary

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     •••Dolly's P.O.V.•••
     July 11th, 8:13p.m.

     "Please?" I begged Bruce, "I think it would be a great idea if I just visited for a few days; maybe a week." I had began talking to him again after Robin told me I was acting childish and Bruce was just being protective over me- and I understood then apologized to Bruce for being a you-know-what.

      He shook his head- we were having a controlled debate, about me going to visit Black Canary in Starling City. I tried to tell him that Dinah Lance could watch after me and train me for a while- teach me new attacks and tactics.

     He pinched the bridge of his nose as he pulled out a chair to sit down at the dining room table (Dick was "at a friend's house" (we know what that means)). I crossed my arms in front of my chest and sighed. 
"I just need some time to train with another female. Please. I haven't had a maternal figure since the incident and Dinah is the closest thing I have, plus she already agreed."

     Bruce looked at me with determined eyes as I began drumming my fingers on the table.
"And what if Dick finds it suspicious that Blue Jay and Dolly are gone?" He questioned with a deep voice. I chuckled at how obvious the answer was.
"I'm registered in the zeta-beam system. Remember? I can come back whenever you need me. Just say 'Dolly' went on a summer vacation with Claire."

     He thought long and hard about my answer then nodded.
"Really!?" I squeaked happily as I shot out of my chair, I ran around the table and gave his neck a hug; he chuckled while patting my forearm, "Thanks, Dad!" My smile fell as his patting stopped, I released him without another word. I went up to my room to grab my stuff: the luggage with a weeks worth of clothes which included my suit, toiletries, a bag with nothing but shoes and my Flash plushie (What can I say? He's my favorite). I slung my shoe bag over my shoulder, placed my plushie under my arm and grabbed my luggage in my left hand.

     As I began to leave my room I noticed a silhouette leaning against my door frame.
"I had a feeling you were already packed." Bruce's voice chuckled as he came towards me and took my luggage from me.
"I'm sorry." I mumbled while following him out my room and down the stairs.
"You have nothing to be sorry for. I just never expected to be called 'Dad'. Especially since Dick has been here for four years and always called me 'Bruce'." He gave me a warm almost-smile, "So thank you, actually. I'm glad I have been a sufficient paternal figure."  I nodded as we entered the Cave through the fireplace in the library.

     I stood in front of the zeta-beam scanner ready to go to Seattle. When Bruce placed a hand on my shoulder.
"It's going to be dark when you get there so be careful. And don't be afraid to introduce Star City to Blue Jay." I stared at him with grateful eyes and nodded. He picked his hand up off of my shoulder and ruffled my hair, handing me my luggage.
"Recognized: Blue Jay B-0-2." I waved bye to Bruce as the sick feeling in my stomach came back- I always got it when I traveled via zeta.

     As quickly as the feeling had come it was gone. I found myself in a dark alleyway inside of an old telephone booth. I pushed the door open, taking my phone out of my back pocket in the same motion. I pressed the tiny phone icon next to Dinah's photo and it began to ring.
"Hello?" Her voice sounded on the third ring.
"Hey. It's Dolly. I'm in Star City." I informed as I looked up at the cloudy sky.
"Which zeta point are you at?"
"The old telephone booth in the alleyway."

     I saw a drunk enter the alley and collapse against the brick wall. I cringed in disgust at his dirty and torn clothes, he had a brown paper bag in his gloved hand- taking a big swig once he hit the ground. I quickly began speed walking out of the dim alley.
"You still there, Dolls?" Her voice piped.
"Yeah. Just had to pass a drunk." I stepped out onto the busy street.
"Call a taxi. I'll text you my address."

     I stepped into the taxi I had whistled for and told the driver the address. He nodded and began to drive to a nicer part of town.

     When arriving at Dinah's  apartment I quickly ran to the elevator after paying and tipping the driver.
"Have a goodnight." I bid as I neared the building. The driver waved then drove off. I found myself in front of Dinah's door. I rapped on the door with my knuckles. I heard footsteps running towards the door and a male's voice asked who I was.

      Dinah opened the door with a big smile; she wore blue sweatpants, a form fitting tank top and her blonde hair was tossed into a messy bun. I was slightly confused- I half expected her to be ready to go patrolling.
"Hey." I greeted respectfully as I entered into the living room.
"Hi. No one bothered you on your way here right?" I shook my head, "Okay, look- we are going to sleep here tonight but tomorrow morning we have to go to Oliver's." She explained quickly while taking her bun out and putting rollers in.

     "Why? I thought we were going to advance my training." She stared at me with a sorry expression.
"H-he has someone we want you to meet." Dinah explained, "So no patrol tonight for us either. He wants to train his partner without any interferences." My mouth feel open with glee.
"You mean Speedy's back?" I cheered excitedly, dropping all my stuff into the floor and jumping up and down.

      She grabbed my shoulders to halt my bouncing, shaking her head.
"W-what?" I stuttered with shock, "You mean he's replaced Speedy already?" My eyebrows furrowed, my lips pulling into a frown.
"Just go to bed. I'll explain in the morning." She said softly. I nodded slowly as I picked my stuff up once again and made my way to the guest bedroom.

     I left my stuff there, then proceeded getting ready for bed. I took out my phone to text Dick.

Dolly: Hey. Sry I didn't say bye. It was a last minute trip Claire invited me 2.

     I didn't receive a text back but I wasn't worried- I knew he didn't have his phone when he was out on patrol. So I took out my Blue Jay computer- that usually went on my wrist- and messaged Robin.

Blue Jay: We need to get Speedy back asap.

     His reply was almost immediate.

Robin: Yeah. Ik.

Blue Jay: But u dk what ik.

Robin: Which is....?

Blue Jay: They're gonna replace him soon....

Robin: What?! They can't! We have to track him down and convince him to join the YJL.

Blue Jay: Ik that. I'm working on it rn. I just need ur help to 1) spread the word to KF and AL and 2) keep track of crimes in Star City to see the pattern of the one Speedy will take over.

Robin: OK. Well i gtg kik some bad guy butt.

BlueJay: Bye.

     Once I finished brushing I put my utility belt under my pillow then went to sleep. I don't remember my dream but I know Dick was in it.

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