Christmas With the Wayne's

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     It's been a few months since I was adopted by Bruce Wayne. It was Christmas Eve and I had decided to be referred to as a Johnson-Wayne. Training has been literal hell.

I wake up at 4:30a.m. on weekdays, and hit the gym for three and a half hours until it's time to get ready for school. Then after I get home from school I have to train in the equipment room, which contains the parallel and uneven bars, the rings, a beam, a vault and on open floor where I practice combatives.

Dick does the opposite so he doesn't see that I'm training. He does equipment room in the morning and work out in the afternoon.

     I haven't worn skinny jeans or a tight fitting shirt since August, my school uniform is a size too big, but I still get hit on by douches. I was even pressed against a locker by a basketball player, a knee to the crotch sure changed his mind real quick.

     I'm acing all my classes, like always, but I'm totally acting like a klutz in P.E.. In November we had to climb a rope before break to test upper body strength.

I 'managed' getting three feet off the ground before letting myself fall- my thanksgiving break was a day longer than anyone else's because of my 'injury'. As long as you try and dress out in P.E. you'll get an A.

   •••Now For The Christmas Part 🎄•••
     "Dolly!" Come downstairs! We're opening our Christmas Eve gifts!" Dick shouted at me from the foot of the stairs. I quickly pulled on pink wool socks and an ugly Christmas sweater before almost literally flying down the stairs.

"I'm here. I'm here." I announced entering the living room. The fireplace had a small red fire in it, chocolate chip cookies sat on the spruce coffee table and Dick and Mr. Wayne sat next to the tree with hot chocolate- Dick had two, I took a seat near the fire and seized my mug.

      Mr. Wayne seemed rather unbothered but if Dick's smile was any bigger I'd fear for him cutting his cheeks in half.

     I squirmed between them and grabbed a small box from under the tree. It was red and green plaid, I had tied a golden ribbon onto it- this one was Mr. Wayne's.

Dick grabbed a dark blue one that depicted dancing reindeers- that one was for me.

Mr. Wayne picked up a tiny cube present that was solid black wrapping paper- for Dick.

        We exchanged our smallest gifts to the other person. I took the one from Dick, Dick the one from Mr. Wayne and Mr. Wayne from me. I quickly began unwrapping it, in doing so I found my self looking at a cube shaped black box. Which of course I opened with no hesitation.

"Aww... A robin." I gasped at a loss for any other words. Dick had given me a silver necklace with a small robin (the bird) charm on it.

"I love it." I sang, "Put it on me!" I handed him the necklace, my back now facing him. Dick's hands came over my head, he pulled back then latched the necklace onto me.

"I'll never take it off." I promised, giving him a bone-crushing hug. I had gotten Mr. Wayne a black gold Rolex that had green, kryptonite crystals where the numbers should be. Dick got a bottle of cologne- which smells amazing.

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