Fireworks: Part 3

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     We had exited the stairs and an alarm was going off. A red light flashed throughout the hallway. I came out of the stairs just in time to see Wally running towards two closing doors.
"Oh, crud." He said as he slammed into the locked doors. The rest of us (you know... the ones without super speed) had made our way to where he was; he was lying down on his back. He sat up and started rubbing the side of his head.
"We're cut off from the street." I groaned.
"Thanks. My head hadn't a noticed." I narrowed my eyes at him, although he couldn't tell because of my mask, making sure he got a tongue stuck out at him to. Hey! I'm only 13.

Superboy and Aqualad had immediately tried to force the doors open manually.
"Can't hack this fast enough." Robin informed. Two giant g-gnomes had begun to come around to the corner.

    "This way!" I ordered as I did a spin back kick to open the door that was conveniently just sitting there. We ran into the dark room. Suddenly a bright crimson light appeared and I passed out.

     I don't know how long I was out but I remember waking up to find SB standing up and surrounded by the gnomes.
"What's going on?" Guardian asked from within the crowd of g-gnomes. I tried to pick up my head but couldn't, I moaned softly, seeing as the adrenaline that kept my burnt leg from hurting was going away.
"I choose.. Freedom." Superboy stated boldly at the 'head g-gnome'.

"Feels like fog lifting." Guardian put a hand to the side of his head.
"Guardian?" I asked looking at him from the floor. The other three had gotten up so Robin was now helping me.

      He hoisted me up with my arm around his shoulders and his around my waist- all my weight on my left leg (cause it was my good one). "Go. I'll deal with Desmond." Guardian demanded. We turned to leave but an all too familiar voice stopped us.
"I think not." The brown haired man halted us, showing us a test tube in his hand, "Project Blockbuster will give me the power to restore order to Cadmus." He took a deep swig of the purple liquid.

        "Everyone back! Aah!" I yelped as the man began to grow: his skin stretched and began to fall off, his teeth got bigger and his clothes came off.
"Arrgh!" It growled before jumping out through the ceiling. Debris fell from the roof, we barely avoided it.
"Ok. That's one way to bust through the ceiling." Robin said sarcastically while trying to look for a way to get where the creature was.
" You think lab coat planned that?" Wally inquired.

      "I doubt he is planning anything anymore.' Aqualad told himself more than Wally. We got on to the next floor- which was were the fighting began. The giant creature charged at Aqualad who knocked it back with a large hammer made of water. The thing tumbled backwards and Wally crouched down so he could trip it onto his back.
"Learned that one in kindergarten." Wally laughed as he stood back up. I ran over to it, jumping up as I got close so I could throw exploding discs at it. But of course it just slapped them away as if they were nothing more than pesky mosquitoes.

"Unh!" There was yelling and grunting flying through the air as Aqualad, Kid Flash and Suberboy fought the monster. I suddenly got an idea, I took out my computer and showed Robin
"Of course. KF, get over here!" Robin yelled at him. He super sped toward us and looked at my holographic computer. Robin explained to him the the pillars were supporting the roof.
"If we can get them in this order," I pointed at the pillars in a clockwise manner, "then the roof will collapse there." I pointed at a point on the floor, taking out two pieces of chalk, handing one to Robin.
"Got it?" Robin ensured.
"Got it."

     "Go!" Robin and I ordered in unison. He ran off and ripped something of the things face. KF looked at the flesh quizzically then grinned.
"Got your nose." He yelled playfully. I giggled then began drawing a line with the chalk, Robin drawing the other one to make one big "X".
"Superboy, Aqualad!" I yelled. I pointed at the pillars, they seemed to have gotten the message. 
"Come and get me, you incredible bulk! Ohh!" Wally yelled. The beast turned around, throwing a punch at KF who ducked which led the beast into knocking one of the pillars out.

      "Good. Now this one." I told Supey as I  pointed at a column. He threw a heavy punch that sent pieces of the pillar everywhere.
"And that one." Robin told Aqualad- who made a giant mallet and destroyed another pillar. KF once again got the things attention, he stood in front of a pillar- ducking when a punch was thrown.
"Sorry. Try again." Another punch was thrown and another pillar destroyed, Aqualad sprayed a puddle of water on the ground, the thing slipped and went directly to the middle of the "X".
"Perfect." I said while throwing two explosives at the last pillar which blew up. The entire roof caved in but the majority landed on the beast. Aqualad positioned himself on top of Robin and I to minimize the damage given to us.

     Darkness. That's all there was for a couple of seconds that felt like hours. I suppressed a groan when I felt that one of my ribs had cracked. Light flooded when Superboy had pushed a piece of roof of of us.
"We did it."
"Was there ever any doubt?" Robin and I asked playfully in unison. Wally, Robin and I gave each other a three way high five but clutched our sides when an unpleasant crack emitted from out ribs.
"See? The moon." Kid Flash asked gleefully he pointed at the sky. The large full, white moon shone intensely in the starry sky, I was happy to be looking at it until a familiar silhouette appeared in the center of it. 'Oh no. We're screwed.' But it couldn't just stop there- no- all the superheroes were here (including Batman. 'Even better.' All the boys stood up to greet them.
''Oh. And Superman. Do we keep our promises or what?" Kid Flash continued.
"Is that what I think it is?" Batman questioned Superman; he had already seen Superboy, his eyes were wide, holding confusion. 
"He doesn't like being called an it." Wally supplied warningly.

     Robin appeared infront of me with an outstretched hand. I took it gratefully and he pulled me up.
"Thanks." I murmured as I tried to regain my balance. Rob put an arm around my waist and threw my arm around his sturdy shoulders.

     I looked down at my suit- there was many rips and tears in it. Everyone's suit was messed up actually. There was a one across my chest; exposing my skin, I quickly covered it with my arm.

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