Failsafe: Part 1

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       I laid down on the table along with the others. Robin and I had been having some tension but it's not really affecting us teamwork wise.
"Ready?" Artemis asked me as she laid down as well, "I know how hard it is for you when they get in your head." I nodded my head.
"I'll be fine. Megan has been helping me cope." I tapped my temple with my index.

       I glanced over at Robin, who was talking to Batman, and sighed.
"Alright. Close your eyes and relax." Manhunter instructed. I laid down and shut my eyes. When I opened them I was still in the Mountain but I was in a different part of it. I was in my suit, standing between Robin and Artemis.

         Zatara's solemn face appeared on a holographic computer screen.
"Tornado, did you--" He began. But Tornado cut him off.
"Yes, Zatara, we saw. Celestial defenses have failed. Initiate all terrestrial measures."
"Affirmative. See you in the field." And with that Zatara's face disappeared from the screen and Tornado turned to look at us.

      "I must join the League. We will protect the planet at all costs. But should we fail, the responsibility falls to you." Red Tornado explained seriously. We all looked at each other then nodded. This was serious. I honestly didn't understand how Red thought we could handle anything the JL couldn't.
"We stand ready." Aqualad stated as he took a step forward. Red Tornado flew off and left us in the mountain staring at the computer apprehensively.

      "This is Iris West-Allen reporting live." Wally's aunt came onto one of the screens, "The extraterrestrials have brought their relentless global attack to Central City." A large explosion went off behind her and she was suddenly sped away. I let out a sigh of relief.
"You should both be safe here." Flash told his wife and the camera man, "At least for now."
"Thank you, Flash." After a few seconds pause she thanked Zatara as well, "Denny, you OK?" A thumbs up came from the corner of the screen to signal he was. "As you can see, the Justice League is attempting to hold the line."

       "No. Iris! Iris, get out of there." A women shrieked, I looked at Wally- his face was stern, jaw clenched, his hands balled up and his muscles flexed, "I'm sorry, we're experiencing technical difficulties from our Central City feed. We take you now to a devastated Taipei, where another League contingent is having a bit more luck." The blonde haired lady on the news broadcasted. My heart fell to my stomach. I knew it wasn't real but it really got me thinking; 'What if something like this actually happens?' 

       The camera then changed to a new city scene. One with Hawk Guy, Hawk Girl, Black Canary and Green Arrow. They were fighting bravely, but something zapped them. I think they were disintegrated by a green beam. I saw their bones before they were gone, causing a chill to run down my spine.
"Ladies and gentlemen, we've lost Black Canary, Green Arrow, and the Hawks." I looked at Artemis who stood emotionless. I on the other hand couldn't believe how overwhelmed I was getting from this exercise; I couldn't believe Canary was gone.

       "Other heroes reported dead or missing include Batman, Icon, Adam, and Aquaman." She continued. I clutched Robin's arm, he patted my back gently and whispered in my ear "it's not real remember?".

       "Wonder Woman, above you." Another screen turned on to show us Red and Wonder Woman fighting. I shut my eyes before watching Wonder Woman get killed.
"Red Tornado to cave. I fear I am all that remains of the League."

        Then there were none......

       "Our team. We are Earth's heroes now." Aqualad said, looking at us all with a sad look.
"So what are we waiting for, a theme song?" Connor exasperated. I looked at him and shook my head.
"If we had a theme song it would have already played." I replied smugly but playfully. Superboy gave me an amused look, quickly trading it in for an angry and serious one once his eyes were off of mine.

"A strategy." Aqualad looked at me with a displeased look, as I was being quite childish. Earth's weapons are ineffective. And it has been made tragically clear a direct attack will not succeed."
"Checking satellite imagery." I said as I pulled up a large hologram of the world in the middle of the world. Robin peered over my shoulder and pointed at the spinning globe. I shivered as his breath brushed against the back of my neck.

       "Here's where the aliens are now." Robin was referring to the thousands if red dots all over the different continents.
"This one get lost?" Superboy asked. He pointed at a large red blob near the top of the globe. My eyes widening in shock and realization.
"That's Superman's fortress of solitude!" I gasped.
"Superman has a fortress of solitude?" Connor looked hurt. I rubbed is shoulder sympathetically, regretting that I had said anything.
"Its power source must have attracted the aliens attention, at least enough to send a scout ship to investigate. " Robin added, ignoring Connor's pain.
"Must be some fortress." Connor grumbled as he began to walk away.

      "Connor." Megan began. My hand slid off his shoulder as he left but Megan caught up to him and clung onto his arm.
"No, it's OK. I guess there's a lot about Superman I'll never know. Uh, you know, now." He sighed with a shrug, turning back to the computer.
"We will target this lone ship." Aqualad instructed which put Connor out of my mind.
"Yeah, break it down, build more, hit those ugly aliens with their own mojo." Kid Flash began cheering and making fighting moves. I gasped and slapped him in the back of the head at the same time Artemis did.

     "Ow!" He cried.
"Martian and Kryptonian in the house." Artemis mumbled. Superboy and Miss. Martian were looking at him quizzically.
"Uh, heh heh." Wally tittered, "Not that all aliens are automatically ugly." He rubbed the back of his neck, but his apology seemed more aimed towards Megan.

A/N: omg. Just finished this chapter at 11:01pm. Couldn't live with the guilt of not uploading today. It is still the today that I promised yesterday. Here u go. Wish me luck at Football tryouts. XOXO😘😘😘

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