To Keep Her Cover

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-rarely ever talks to Dick except for at meals
-she avoids him at school
-says she's spending the night at a friends house whenever it's her turn to go on night patrol
-all her clothing is slightly baggy so no one recognizes her body shape
-always wears her hair in a tight, gelled bun
-when she let's her hair down for missions there is a blue stripe that she had been hiding under a layer of hair
-pretends to be bad in gym class
-says the only reason Bruce adopted her was because adopting a girl would look good to the press
-speaks with a different tone when on duty (just like every other superhero)

In the past 2 years...
-she has completed her training with flying colours
-Batman managed to temporarily keep her from using her powers with a computer chip in her neck that sends signals to her brain
-they are not able to deactivate her trigger word
-Robin and Blue Jay have become great partners on the field
-she had never taken off the necklace
-she has developed a crush on Dick/Robin

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