Chapter Two- Food With Mom

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Ben walked inside the Cheesecake Factory . He was off duty today , since it was Saturday .

He sat down and across from his mother "Rey's gonna be late , she's gonna get some more anxiety medication from them" he said .

"That's okay honey" she said taking a sip of her coffee . "Has she been better ?"

"Much better ever since our neighbors moved out and stopped throwing those dumb ass parties and now that her boss is being a little better ... she also has taken up yoga which she has me so with her so -"

"When are you two gonna get married ?" Leia asked.

"Mom!" Ben said .

"You two have know each other since your were 5! You grew up on the same street for 13 years , you dated from sophomore year to now ... went to the same college , helped her through teaching school and she helped you through the academy and you've lived together for almost 2 years ... it's time"

"Mom ... we just adopted a cat ... can we take it slow" he said .

"I want grand babies !" Leia said .

"You have a grandcat ! BB isn't gonna be fixed so -"

"Ben ... I wanna give you something... your grandfather gave it your grandmother ... who gave it to your uncle who then gave it to your father who gave it to me ... " she handed him a box .

Ben opened and gasped "this is ... this is Grandma Padmè's ... mom-"

"She loves Rey ... so does Grandpa Ani...hell the entire family loves her ... Ben , your Aunt Mara loves her and she's hard to love anyone"

"I know ... and I love her to mom ... we just ... we haven't talked about it... and ... I don't just wanna spring it on her ... what if she never wants to get married ... plus her dad ... like I want his permission and all but ... mom -"

"I talked to him ... he asked me why it's taking so long for you two to get engaged !"

"Mom I don't wanna ask her -"

"Hey !" Rey said coming down to the table . She bent down to hug Leia .

"Hi sugar !" Leia said hugging the younger woman.

"Hi Leia" Rey sat down next to Ben and kissed his cheek and then smiled..

"So Rey how's work been?" Leia asked .

"Stressful ... but the good kind of stressful ... all good ..." she smiled .

"Are you gonna be serving us any of your wonderful food ?" Leia smiled to her as she sipped her coffee.

"Oh course ! Well, whenever we get together again we'll take care of it"

"Any new recipes?"

"She made this amazing lemon pie ...
Oh mom you've gotta taste it"

"I thought you hate lemon" Leia said.

"He does ... he only ate it because I accidentally put too much sugar" Rey snickered at Ben.

"So are you two gonna get another cat?" Leia asked .

"I want too but the cat hair is getting all over Ben's uniform ... maybe though" Rey said .

"Rey... why don't you tell my mom about your blog ..." Ben said as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

"Oh ... well you know I'm into photography and cooking ... and I stared a blog ... mostly the things i make at dinner or the pies and stuff I make the charity auctions and stuff" Rey explained .

"Oh ! That's amazing ... and how have you been ... like are you okay?"

"Yes ! I mean ... I don't know if Ben's told you but I've started doing yoga to help concentrate and stuff ... Ben did it with today ... it was so cute his hair was tied up and he wore this little shirt that said "Nam-sate" in bed ..." she said and they laughed .

"Well Rey here was cooking eggs this morning and then BB walked over the counter and spilled a shit ton of pepper in the food ... so she gave it to me and made herself better eggs ... I've been sneezing all day" he said and they all laughed .



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