My New Book : Tandem

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HEY ! I have a new book out and told you all when I would publish it !

It has 6 chapters of right now !
Check it out :


"Benny!" Rey giggled as her friend was on his toes trying to reach the holoreader

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"Benny!" Rey giggled as her friend was on his toes trying to reach the holoreader.

"Shhh ! Uncle Luke can't find out!" He said to his eight year old friend .

Rey smiled at the thirteen year old who was on their toes. "Ben ...I need to speak to you " Luke said from his room .

Ben handed the shorter girl the holo and walked into his uncle's room.

"Uncle Luke ?" Ben asked.

"Times ... they're troubling ... Snoke is rising to power... there was a ship ... it had no survivors... it was your father's ship... he's gone and your mother" Luke said.

Ben wrapped his arms around his uncle and cried . "Ben... in so sorry"

"What about Rey's dad ? "

"He's gone too..." he told him .

"Uncle Luke where are we going?"

"Ben... I have to make decisions to protect you two now... and I have" Luke said and walked to a closet . "In here is a chest... and about 700 credits ..."

"Uncle ?"

"There's clothes and books and stuff for you... a blaster and knife -"

"Uncle ?!" Ben said again.

"Prepare for landing" he said and walked to the control center.

"Uncle Luke -"

"Don't Ben... its difficult enough... here you'll be safe-"

"I can't ! I'll be alone -"

"Rey and you will be alone ... it's the only way no one can ever harm you or kill the force ..." he said.


Rey was asleep in Ben's arms as the ship landed on Jakku. "Okay...". Luke said standing up.

"No ! Please uncle don't do this !" Ben pleaded , his arms around a groggy Rey.

"Ben I have to ... you don't think this hurst me ? I love you both and ... I love you both way to much to allow you to die as children in a war... you will be safe ... no one will ever harm you... I know that you'll take good care of Rey and she take care of you" Luke said and opened the door .

There was a creature "Plutt" Luke said "watch over them ... no harm shall come their way"

The man nodded and Rey held onto Ben's hand tighter.

Their trunk was placed in the sand and Ben kneeled down. Rey looked and watched as the shuttle left .

"No !" She yelled and Ben threw his arms around her. "COME BACK!" She screamed loudly .

"Quiet girl !" Plutt yelled .

Plutt grabbed her by the arm and Plutt raised his hand to smack her but Ben stood in the way "don't you dare touch her " he said.

Ben got the smack himself and Rey hid behind him "leave us alone" Ben said .

He took Rey's hand and the trunk with the other and they walked from him to find a place to stay ... forever .

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