Chapter Eleven- Riding In The Night

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Rey giggled as Ben threw her on their bed . He was tugging her boots off her , once free she kicked her socks off and watched as he peeled each of her coat layers quickly . She laid in just her underwear and watched him struggle with his own coats.

He smiled darkly and climbed onto her and cupped her breasts . He pressed a hot kiss on her neck and began to kiss down the skin.

"Oh !" She gasped as he spread her legs with his knee and pressed his clothed cock against her own covered middle .

"Get your boxers off " she said reaching a hand to his waist band. He kicked them off and pulled hers down .

"I still can't get over how beautiful you are" he said running his hand over her side and grabbing a condom from his bedside table .

"Sex now talk later!" She smiled and he went next to her.

"How are we doing this?" He asked as he began to kiss the other side of her neck.

"Ride" she mumbled and he rolled on his back for her to climb on top of him.

She lowered herself on him and moved up and down as well as swivel her hips in circles .

"Fuck" Ben gasped as she grinded her body in to his. "Of FUCK"

"Ben" she gasped loudly and threw her head back "oh maker ! Oh right there oh !" She gasped as his length hit the spot that drove her wild.

He put his hands on her chest and cupped them , giving light squeezes .

Rey moaned as he began to rub her clit as well . "Ben ! Oh right there!" She bite her lip and threw her head back again.

Soon enough he released and she followed . She collapsed on his chest and laid flat against him.

He wrapped her in a blanket and held her closet to his chest as they began to doze off into sleep.

Ben got a phone call at 2:30 in the morning and he slipped out of their room to answer , throwing his boxers and pants on.

"Hello ?"

"Solo... the Ably case has a new lead I sent them to you right now take a look so we can figure this out as soon. As we can " his boss said and he groaned .

He opened his laptop and began to read through the file , printing some pages so he could highlight them.

Around 5:30 Rey walked out of their room, their large warm comforter around her shoulders .

"Baby ? What are you doing up?" She asked shuffling into their living room.

"A new lead" he yawned . "I need to finish reading this"

Rey sighed and sat down on the couch next to him "it's Saturday now ... and as your wife to be I'm telling you that you can do work on Monday ... not today we have things to do"

"Like ?" He asked putting the paper on their coffee table.

"Breakfast at your grandmother's... looking at the O'Neal house and  picking a new wedding planner " she explained with a yawn.

He sighed and brought her to his body . He laid flat across the couch and held her close and used the blanket to warm them both .

"I'm saying this now ...  Our wedding colors will not be red and black" she yawned as she rested her head on his chest.

"Then BB will not be a flower girl ... no son of mine will be s flower girl" he said.

"Did you just assume his gender ?" Rey asked and they laughed together and slowly drifted off to sleep.


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