Chapter Twelve-The Ball Is Rolling

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"Have you decided on a date yet?" Padmè asked as she brought the two of them coffee.

"We would like to get married around January , two years from now" Ben said as he poured in sugar in his coffee.

"I wanted to speak to you two about something" Padmè sighed "it's Anakin"

"What about him ?" Rey asked.

"He's getting sick ... and I don't know how much longer he has... I know this may seemed rush but... is there anyway you could possibly get married before this summer... his doctor doesn't think ... "

Ben looked at Rey "of course " Rey said "maybe we could get married in maybe March or possibly February ... hell what about January?!" She asked.

"Rey are you sure ?" Ben asked.

"I'm sure... so ?do you" Rey looked at Ben.

"Of course sweetheart" he said to her.


"Have you thought of wedding ideas ?" Their wedding planner Asoka asked.

"Yes , we decided on a date , January 7th 2017..." Rey said her hands wrapped in Ben's.

"Okay... colors ?" She asked.

"Purples ... " Ben said.

"Like ... these I have swatches" she said showing them fabrics of purples.

 these I have swatches" she said showing them fabrics of purples

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"I like fuchsia ..." Rey said.

"How about Fuchsia and Nigara ..." Ben said.

"That looks great" Rey smiled.

"How about a darker color just for checking" she said.

"What about ghost ? It's a nice grey that would go with the purple" Rey said.

"Sounds good to me" Ben nodded.

"Okay we'll figure out the venue and stuff on a later date... here are some fabulous locations in which you can check out."

"THE GOTHOM BALL ?!" Ben said as he read the list.

"No Ben ... were not getting married just because it's the same place as Batman" Rey scoffed.


"Babe?" Ben asked while Rey was cooking dinner .


"For the wedding what flowers... I'm allergic to most so-"

"Hmm... google some and I'll pick" she smiled as she added in some spices.

"You're not upset that we pushed the wedding up are you?"

"Not at all. I can't wait to get married and start a family of our own..." she smiled.

"Yeah... I put the offer down on the O'Neal house " Ben said looking up from his laptop.

"Oh... and ?"

"They haven't said anything ... there's another couple looking at it but I think the fact that we grew up on that street might help-"

"Well... if all else falls we can just maybe move in the street over" Rey smiled "still great schools"

"Yeah... what about Sweet Asylums ?"

"For flowers ? Those look like what little kids give to their teachers... " she shook her head.

"I like the name" Ben laughed and Rey rolled her eyes.

"You're a dork" Rey laughed. "I have to look at dresses ... and I want you to look at tuxes next weekend" she told him.

"Who are your bridesmaids ?" He asked.

"Oh... Finn is my man of honor ... and Jessika and Gwen... maybe I can ask my cousin Bazine ... and I don't know... Four should be enough right?"

"Sounds like a plane ... I have Hux as my best man... Poe and Snap... and my cousin Luke" he said.

"Okay ... that was easy" she smiled .

"Do you want me to get some wine out?" He asked from the fridge.

"No... none for me... have some for yourself if you want sweetie" she grabbed the plates.


[ 13,5,5,20... 20,8,5...6,15,3,11,5,18,19]


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