Chapter Five- What A Beautiful Wedding

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Finn shifted uncomfortably in his seat next to Rey as the bridesmaids where walking down the aisle.

Rey grabbed his hand and squeezed it . He smiled at his best friend and took a deep breath.

Ben wrapped his arm around Rey and she sighed ... get the picture Ben !

Jessika came down in a dark white dress , it flowed near her feet and showed her arms off . Her black hair was curled in put in some crazy updo and then her veil trailed behind her .

They got to the vows, loving each other for forever blah blah blah.

"She's looks beautiful" Rey whispered to Ben.

"You'd look better" he smiled and kissed the temple of her face .

She smiled and he put his free hand on her thigh . She shifted in her seat to meet his gaze . "No" she whispered .

"Rey ?"

"were not having a quickie in a church" she snapped quietly and moved away slightly.

Ben smiled and ran his hand over her clothed thigh. She got a shiver down her spine and he rubbed her thigh faster.

"Benjamin Bail do not get me horny in a church I mean it!" She whispered.

He smirked and began to play with the end of her dress , the green fabric moving as he toyed with it between his fingers.

She crossed her legs and he smiled at his girlfriend and then she shooed his hands off .

He chucked quietly and then they stood up as the couple kissed. Rey smiled and rubbed Finn's arm .


They were sitting in their seats and Ben was trying to get Rey to run with him over to the bathroom for a quickie .

She shook her head and ate her salad as the couple began to walk around and greet the guests .

Poe came to their table "Ben!" The groom said "Rey glad you could make it ! Rey you look stunning" he hugged her.

"Congrats bud !" Ben said to his friend and then Jessika came over .

"Rey !" Jessika hugged her friend .

"Jess you look gorgeous!" She smiled and hugged her again.

They made their way to Finn and the couple threw their arms around him to hug him.

"See ... weddings aren't so bad" Rey whispered to him as they drank their champagne.

"Still , spending this much for a one day only event ... kinda pointless" he said .

Rey sighed and walked to the bar to grab a drink . She got herself a gin and tonic and walked back to her boyfriend who was talking with Poe's abeula.

"Oh Rey !" His grandma said and hugged her . "You look gorgeous !"

"Thank you so much !" Rey hugged her back .

"When will you two be getting married ?" She asked and Rey looked at Ben.

"As soon as we move out of the shoe box we're living in now and get on our feet better" he lied through his teeth . Rey rolled her eyes and smiled .


Rey was checking her face book and Ben grabbed her hand "dance with me"

Rey smiled and they made their way to the dance floor where they were playing slow sloppy love songs .

"Ed Sheeran" she smiled at him and he kissed the top of her head .

"You look so beautiful"

"Ben !" She scolded him "the bride is supposed to be the most beautiful-"

"Well you broke the tradition sweetheart" he smirked and held her closer.

"Ben ... do you like ... did you like the wedding"

"Over the top but it was nice" Ben said.

"And it's beautiful for them to show their love huh ?"

"Yep" he said holding her close and moving softly.

Rey sighed and buried her face in his neck ... oh maker he was hopeless.
"You okay babe?" He asked.

"Yeah the lights are just hurting my eyes" Rey lied and closed her eyes against his shoulder.

"Want my glasses?" He asked.

"I'm okay" she said and leaned up and kissed him . "I love you"

"I love you too baby" he said and then the music sped up . They stared dancing and Ben did an awful version of the whip and dabbing. Rey groaned .

Jessika had all the girls in a crowd and threw her bouquet . And of course Rey caught the flowers .

Ben smiled and shook his head . "You know ... in some cultures that's bad luck" he smiled and she hit him with ten flowers.


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