Chapter Thirteen- Butler Of Honor

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"And ..." Finn said .

"I'm not having a maid of honor ... I'm having a man or butler if honor if you will " she smiled.

"What do you mean?" Finn asked.

"I want you to be my man of honor" she smiled "I would have no one else but you"

"Rey ! Are you serious what about Ben's grandma -"

"Padmè just asked us to push up the wedding date by a year I'm sure she'll be okay" she smiled . "You know everything about Ben and me ... he'll you're the one who somewhat introduced us" she said.

"Oh I'm honored" Finn said .

"I'm glad... you know everything and I know you'll keep me cool ... since ... you know"

"I know " he nodded "and ... we are gonna be late if we don't get to our yoga class... Your anxiety usually goes up when you don't go to class" he said "and you need anything but high anxiety "

"I agree" Rey said and they walked out of the smoothie place .


"Hux ... I need to talk to you" Ben said over their lunch .

"If this is about my tattoo no I will not get it removed ..."

"No! Jesus!" He laughed "I asked Rey to marry on Friday" he said.

"No !" Hux smiled "about damn time ... I want nieces and nephews"

"Not for a long time!" Ben smiled "but my son BB 8 is plenty enough -"

"A cat is not a child"

"Say that to Millicent" Ben chuckled over his coffee "anyway ... Wanna be my best man?"

"Sure" Hux nodded taking a bite of his food.

"Just sure?" Ben asked easing a brow.

"Hell yeah ! I'm throwing you the best bachelor party ever ! Naked girls , strip teases ... when's the wedding?"

"Well I hope you're not gonna give me a strip tease ... the wedding is on January 6th"


"2017... so in less than a month and a half"

"You're crazy... is she pregnant?"

"No!" Ben shouted "my grandpa might not make it till May... my grandma wanted him to see us get married... he was the one who helped us get the lease on our apartment"

"Oh" Hux said"that's sweet I guess where?"

"Not sure... I said the Gotham Ball..."

"Gwen and I got married there ... it's nice, and they give out free alcohol "

"I'm sold I don't know if she is"

"Well... your bachelor party is gonna be the day before ... so I need to know if you have a passport-"

"No" he shook his head to his light haired friend "I want to get married not arrested"

"Same thing" Hux laughed. Ben chuckled and they ate their lunch .


With the game playing and Rey down on her knees Ben knew his life couldn't  have better.

She took him in his mouth as the game started and he moaned . "Fuck"

She smirked with him in her mouth sucked harder mindful of her teeth . He grasped her brown hair and pulled it back as she got him off with her mouth.

Within two minutes he orgasmed and came all over her chest. "Oh... " he sighed and leaned back into the couch.

"Let me clean myself up" she said and walked to the bathroom.

She came back a couple I'm guessing later with freshly brushed teeth and a clean chest.

"Now if they don't win my good luck charm was bad" she smiled at him.

"I think I just won" he said and she laid down on the couch with her feet in his lap.

"You know something" she said.

"What?" He asked as he began to rub her feet.

"I'm beginning to think that you only watch this stupid team so I'll suck you off" she giggled.

"And if I did?"

"You should play the game more often" she said and he climbed on top of her to pepper her face with kisses.




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