Chapter Four- Wedding News

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Rey was in her classroom , writing down her lesson plans on the board when her door opened .

"Rey !" Jessika said running in her classroom, the English teacher with black hair and was young like she ran to her .

"Hey jess what's up?" Rey asked turning to face her friend .

"You'll never believe it ! Poe asked me last night!" She showed Rey her engagement ring.

"Oh" Rey said shocked "congratulations..." she hugged her friend.

"And guess what ?!" Jessika squealed.


"In two weeks ! We're getting married in two weeks ! Before he goes back in the airforce ! Oh but Rey !" Jessika hugged her friend .

Rey hugged her back and patted her back softly .


Rey flopped down on the couch , she put her feet up on the table and her little cat meowing over to her.

She sighed and then the door opened "fucking elevator closed again - oh hey babe" Ben said putting his jacket down.

"Hi" she groaned .

"What's for dinner ? I'm starved ?"

"I didn't cook anything" Rey said and flopped over so that her face was now in the couch pillow .

"You okay?" Ben asked sitting down next to her.

"Just fine ... tired" she huffed.

"Okay... how about I order some pizza ?" He said and kissed her forehead.

Rey grabbed her phone and texted Finn.

Rey: GUESS WHOS getting married

Finn: YOU ?! Finally ?!

Rey: no ... Poe , and Jessika ... I'm sorry -

Finn: it was over a long time for Poe and I

Rey: still you loved him nonetheless.

Finn: water under the bridge -

Rey: you guys had a cat ... and then kittens.

Finn: I don't care-

Rey: sure you don't...

Finn: okay I do but he's happy and that's all that matters .

Rey: you can't just say that you're okay... I know I wouldn't be.

Finn: look it doesn't matter ... how about you

Rey: bitter , petty ... I mean they've been dating for like 7 months ! And now they're getting married ... Ben and I have been together for like 10 years and we barley have a fucking cat !

Finn: tell him you wanna get married!

Rey: I've been dropping hints all over ... his family called him and asked him why we aren't married.

Finn: do you think he wants to get married?

Rey: no ... yes ... I don't know ...

Finn: figure it out .

Rey: how the hell am I suppose to do that?

Finn: you're going to Jessika and poe's wedding?

Rey: yes and ?


Rey: maybe I should just get off the pill so I get pregnant and -

Finn: no .. don't be like Gwen...

Rey: ugh ! Fine !

Ben was in their bedroom , changing out of his uniform and he got a call. "Hello ?"

"Ben !" It was his chief . "I have wonderful news !"

"What's that?" Ben asked sitting down shirtless on his bed as he tugged his boots off.

"Since you were such a big help in the Glenn case ... you're being promoted to detective !"

"No way !" Ben said happily "thank you sir ! Oh thank you so much!"

"Your welcome ... see you Tuesday... detective Solo"

Ben smiled and closed his phone than ran out to the living room.

Rey was flipping through the channels and on her phone . Ben jumped on the couch next to her .

"Ben !" Rey said and clutched her phone to her chest. "What the fuck ?!"

"You'll never believe it babe !" He smiled "okay so chief Akbar just called me ... since I helped so much on the Glen case I now am A DETECTIVE !" He smiled .

Rey leaned up and kissed him "I'm so proud of you sweetheart " she said and kissed him again.

"Our plan is working ! I'm now detective, you're gonna be the head of the history department any day now and then a house and another cat and everything else forever" he kissed her.

Rey smiled , they were getting closer to getting married ... she jumped in his lap and began to tackle him and kiss down his neck.

He was moaning as she grinded her hips into his lap and he tugged her blouse off her .

She was straddling him shirtless and kissing up and down his neck as Ben was unhooking her bra.

In a fluid motion she was on her back and he was over her , both without pants and kissing each other.

As soon as their underwear was off he pushed himself into his girlfriend and kissed her .

Rey was moaning his name and digging her nails into his back , clenching around his cock and gasping for air .

He loved how she would moan his name and breath heavy as he thrusted in and out of her .

He pulled out before he spilled in her and drew two long fingers into her to finish her off .

She laid down flat , after reaching her orgasm with his cum on her stomach and his arms around her . "We need to wash this blanket" he said referring to the warm fuzzy blanket they just has sex on.

"Whatever you say ... detective" she smiled.



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