Chapter Seven- I'm not as Think as you Drunk I am

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Sober Ben was great ... drunk Ben was better.

Rey was trying hard not to laugh as she drove home from the little event they went to for his mother.

Ben was laughing and talking of nonsense while Rey was driving completely sober.

She managed to help him up the stairs and into their tiny apartment. Rey pulled him to the couch had him entertained with a bottle of water and their cat.

She got to their room and began to undress herself . She pulled her hair into a bun and washed her face. Leggings on and then large t-shirt that Ben used for chilling .

She walked into the living room and Ben stumbled over to her . "Rey" he laughed "I love you"

"I love you too Ben ... let's get you ready for bed" she said and grabbed his hand.

"Wanna know a secret ?" He said.

"Hmm?" Rey asked as she was taking his tie off and hanging his coat up.

"You can't tell no one !" He smiled as she tugged his pants off and handed left him in his boxers and white shirt.

"My mom" he hiccuped "we went for lunch ... she gave me something to give to Rey !"

"And what's that?" Rey asked as she plunged her phone in .

"A present !"

"Which is ?" She asked as she pushed him into bed and pulled the blankets over them.

"Shhh! Don't tell Rey !" He chuckled as she climbed into bed. Ben wrapped his arms around her and kissed her forehead "my mom gave me a ring... her and my grandma's engagement ring ... my mom wants me to marry Rey and give her my grandma's ring !" And then he dosed off.

Rey gasped and tried to wake him up , he didn't budge since he was drunk and tired .

Ben woke up with a pounding headache while the sun poured in.

He rubbed his head and checked the time on the bedstand clock next to him.

"Morning" he saw Rey standing in the doorway with a glass of water in her hands and pull in the other.

"Hi" he rubbed his head and Rey gave him the water and pill "thanks sweetheart"

Rey sat in bed behind him and hugged him from behind . "You okay?" He asked as she sighed into his back.

"No" she shook her head.

"What's wrong ?" He asked .

"It's just -" she bite her tongue "Jessika thinks she may be pregnant and ... i feel bad for Finn" she lied.

"Oh... woah... maybe she isn't" he said holding her hand .

"Ben?" She asked putting her face in the crook of his neck.

"What Rey?" He asked:

"Would you want a baby?" She asked.

"Are you - are you pregnant?!" He asked panicking.

"No!" She said "it's just ... I don't know... don't you ever think about our future ? That you and I one day could get married and have babies of our own... your hair and my eyes ? Think how cute"

"They would be very cute because we're very cute" he smiled .

"But the future ... don't you ever think about it ?"

"Sometimes" he said and Rey turned her body and moved to between his legs that were spread .

"About ?!" She asked.

"Where we would live ... maybe near our parents ? You know the O'Neal house has been for sale for like 5 years ... we could live there ... good schools close to both our parents so babysitters galore" he said.

"Would we be married?" She asked.

"I don't know" he said tucking back a piece of her hair .

"What do you mean you don't know... Ben Bail Solo I am not ! I repeat not having any  illegitimate children ! My children will not be bastards BEN !" She said angrily.

"Okay ... I don't know ... Rey I'm hungover can we talk about something else?" He asked.

"Yeah... in gonna go make breakfast" she said getting out of his legs.

"Babe I -" he grabbed her hand.

"Ben ... I'm hungry..." she said walking out of their room.

Ben sighed , he walked into their kitchen where Rey was cooking eggs in a skillet.

She was sniffling and shuffling the cracked eggs in the pan . Ben wrapped his arms around her and buried his face in her neck.

"Ben I gave to get the plates" she groaned.

"I love you" he said.

"Baby I love you too but they're gonna burn okay... you can love me after I get the unborn onto plates" she said .


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