Chapter Six- Fucking Fablous

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Rey was sitting at her desk and grading papers. Jessika was still on her honeymoon and taking Snapchat pictures every twenty minutes.

Rey sighed and took her red pen and began to mark the papers. The bell rang and slowly students began to pour into her classroom.

Rey's classroom was filled with bright colors. Her podium was decorated with a collage of all the presidents, the walls had bright maps of the United States and Thirteen colonies . The whiteboard had colored marker drawings with the day's date drawn fancy.

"Miss Kenobi?" She turned to see a student.

"Yes Amy?" She asked as she began to pile up the papers.

"I was wondering if we were going to end up covering the Louisiana Purchase because my family -"

"If you payed attention to your syllabus it will tell you... please take your seat" she said .

"Okay class" she began "today will be having a pop quiz-" and the students groans filled the room. "Settle down ... this is easy ... just match the president to the correct political party" she said "then match all 50 states with their capitals " she sat down in her seat after giving the papers to the kids.

She began to enter grades online and then her door opened . She turned her head to see Ben, smiling with a cup of coffee.

The kids began to giggle and some girls whispered about his cute he was. Rey got out of her seat "I expect to come back to silence" she warned and walked over to Ben.

They were in the hallway "here" he handed her a cup of coffee.

"Thanks babe" she smiled and took a sip "what brings you down here ?"

"My mother" he said.

"Oh" Rey shifted on her feet.

"My mom said that she wants us to have dinner with her"

"Okay and -"

"At the fancy dinner thing ... the Senate's ball ... she's up for some award and wants us there so ?"

"And you couldn't text me this why?" She asked taking a sip of her coffee.

"Because I wanted to see my beautiful girlfriend" he smiled.

"You're a dork ... babe I have to get back to work... and so do you..."

"Okay... well dinner is tonight , dress nice and you" he said.

"Love you too" she smiled and he kissed her softly on the lips .

He walked off and she went back inside her classroom with her cup of coffee in her hands.

"Was that your husband ?" One student asked.

"No Amber ! Miss Kenobi isn't married !" Timothy said while looking at his paper.

"Are you going to get married ?"

"No ! She doesn't have a ring on her finger !"

"Okay that's enough class ... or I'll grade this harder and on a curve !" She warned and they all went back to the quizzes.

She sighed and went to her computer. She was grading and then a message popped up.

Jessika :
Rey ... I think I may be ... pregnant... I'm four days late...

Rey groaned "this is fucking fabulous" she whispered to herself and sipped her coffee.

Long time no update !

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