Chapter Seventeen- We're Okay

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"Ben" she said wiping her tears away from her face "I need to tell you something"

"What ?" He asked running his hands over her face to clear her tears.

"Ben... my period has been late... and I've taken test and I'm not pregnant ... and ... I don't know why but ... I don't have my period and I googled it -" she said.

"Rey ?"

"Ben... I'm afraid it may be something serious" she said and leaned into his face.

"Okay" he rubbed her back "here's what we're gonna do... first we're gonna schedule a doctor's appointment... then we're gonna get a really expensive pregnancy test... and then we'll get your blood drawn ... and everything is gonna be okay" he said .

"Ben I'm scared" she looked him.

"Me too ... but it's gonna be okay , we've got each other" he kissed her cheek and helped her up.


"This was 35 dollars this should be worth it" Ben said handing her the test. "If it's pink you're pregnant blue your not" he said rubbing her shoulder.

"Will you be with me when I dot it ?" She asked.

"I'll be sitting on the tub while you pee" he said and they walked into their small bathroom.

He sat down on the edge of the tub and she opened the box and pulled out the test. She pulled her underwear down and sat over the toilet.

"Talk to me!" She barked as she began to pee.

"Um... okay well... I love you -"

"Please Ben !" She said as she peed.

"I got an email about the house and it said that it's between us and this other couple and I looked them up and he has really bad credit so ... there's a good chance we'll get the house ..."

She finished and rest it on the box as she washed her hands .

She sat down on the edge next to him . "Three minutes" he said checking his watch.

"What if I am pregnant?"

"We're already getting married" he said .

"What if something really is wrong with me?" She asked.

He grabbed her hand and kissed it "then we'll get through this together"

The buzzer rang and he grabbed it. "What is it?" She asked with her eyes closed.

"Rey..." he said "sweetheart... we're having a baby" he said looking at the test.

She opened her eyes and looked at the little test with pink lines. "I'm ... pregnant ?" She asked looking at the test.

"Yep" he said and held her close "we're gonna be parents"

"Oh my god !" She said with a smile .

"Rey why are you not freaking the fuck out ?" Ben asked as he looked at his pregnant fiancée.

"Because I knew" she smiled "I've known since you proposed... I was hoping that Padmè would ask for a closer date ... I asked for flowly and loose wedding dresses... Ben I'm almost a month" she said holding his shaking hand.

"And this is how you were gonna tell me ?!" He asked standing up as he paced.

"Yes" she smiled "because I knew you being a cop and all would want evidence" she waved the test in his face "Ben ... look at me" He turned to meet her eyes . "We're gonna get married and then we'll tell everyone two weeks later ... after our honeymoon but no on can know ... only Finn knows and I'm keeping it that way...
You can't tell Hux or your mom or anyone okay ?"

"Okay" he nodded and then wrapped his arms around her "I'm gonna be a daddy?!" He laughed.

"Yes you are" she leaned up and kissed his nose "a wonderful daddy" she smiled.

Those of you who asked if she was pregnant is she ... I was throwing hints the the numbers at the end of the chapters and with her wanting a loose dress , no wine and crying over the house....


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