Chapter Fifteen- Skywalker -Solo Parties

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She hated Skywalker-Solo parties ... and now that they're engaged it was worse.

They were center of attention and the night's top topic. "Really ... a January wedding" his aunt said.

"We wanted to get married quickly" Rey said as she drank her sweet tea.

"Maybe we should push it back" Ben said.

"We already sent out the invitations " Rey said looking him.

"Well we could just call and -"

"Ben " she shook her head and he stopped talking.

She went to use the bathroom and when she came out she heard his aunts talking with his mother.

"It's ... if they've been together this long and he hadn't asked her to marry him then clearly he's gay or doesn't love her-"

"Ben loves her" Leia defended "he takes his time -"

"Han didn't... Han married you quickly though-"

"Ben is not han" Leia said.

"Oh please ! Han and him could be like different  hair colored twins ... lady killers..."

"Ben and Rey had a plan ... and quiet frankly they waited too long in my opinion" Leia said.

"What does she do again ? Daycare ?"

"She's a high school history teacher... and is just waiting for her papers to come back saying she a professor "

"She should be a stay at home wife-"

"Lena this isn't the 1970's"

"She's pretty she shouldn't be working-"

"She's brilliant"

"What's gonna happen when they have kids ? Daycare ? Nanny?"

"No" Leia said "I know my kids they'll work it out, they always do"

"Always?" Lena asked.

"My son is a stubborn determined man and his fiancee is too... they're both hard heads and get shit done"


"Baby ? What's wrong?" He asked Rey as she laid down on their bed.

"Your aunts" she sighed.

"What about them ?" He asked kicks his shoes off to lay next to her.

"Lena said that the reason why you didn't ask sooner is because your gay or you don't love me ... and I know you're not gay because I've seen you playboy stash ... "

"Yeah" he sighed .

"So it's because you don't love me" she said sadly.

"No" he turned her over and crawled on top of her . "It's because we have a plan that will make sure we never have debts , will be on our feet and have a home and pay off all our student loans" he said  and kissed her .

"Hmm" she said "tell me this Ben"

"What ?" He asked and he began to kiss her neck.

"Say if we didn't have the work and stuff and bills ... would you marry me before this ?"

"In a heartbeat" he said and began to unbutton her blouse .

"And if we didn't have to worry about loans" she asked.

"Mmmhhh" he reached around her back and unclasped her bra.

"And so that means even if I was an ugly woman "

"You could never be ugly ... no one is ugly only personalities are ugly " he said as he kissed down her stomach and began to unbutton her jeans.

"I see someone read my last essay " she laughed .

"Yep" he muttered as he pulled her jeans down her legs and threw them to the floor.

"And that whatever I wanted I could have ?"

"Anything" he muttered as he kissed up her leg.

"And if I wanted us to get married in big pink ugly hats ?" She asked.

"Give me a hat" he said and he kissed the inside of her thigh and put his thumbs at the elastic of her panties.

"Or if I wanted our photos to be taken on an elephant "

"I'll call the zoo" he mumbled and slid her panties down her legs.

He kissed her thigh and began to take her with his mouth.

"And if I wanted ... oh ! If I wanted a vegan meal ?"

"I'll cal the catering company" he said and buried his face between her legs .

"Mhhh ! Ben ... oh and if I wanted a mime to be the DJ?"

"Let me call Paris" he mumbled against her skin.

"Oh Ben !" She moaned and her hands flew into his dark locks . "How ... bright neon suit" she gasped.

"I'll call the tailors" he then took one long lick down her and she moaned as she hit her climax.

She moaned and shake against his face as he smiled . He pulled away while she took deep breaths .

"That's the fastest you ever made me come" she said.

"Finn is coming over to help us with the wedding details" Ben said as he slipped her underwear back on and her jeans.

"If I'm not drunk when we're done meet me in the shower" she said.

"Last time I got a black eye and sprained ankle" he laughed.

"It's worth it" she smiled and he kissed her. She could taste herself on her lips and sighed . "I love you"

"Love you more"

"Love you most" she smiled .

"Tied ?" He asked.

"Tied" she smiled and he helped her up.




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