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It was time for the kings world to come crashing down at his feet. He didn't know that this would come to play, he completely under estimated the power of Otis, and he was about to meet his trails.

"Why must you my servants, wear the faces of a gloomy day whilst surrounded by the luxury of my offerings?"

He asked with concern lacing his features, his tone was vibrant in its authority, it was far from the sadness and fright that was about to be his dominant emotion. He just got sent a card invitation to leta's sisters party and he was so happily moved, he didn't mind keeping close, his blissful mood.

They didn't speak but they led him. They led him into his sisters room and there she was, on her bed with foam coming out of her mouth. As he walked closer he realized that she was gone in her eyes, it was like she was frozen in her life there, but was gone to live in some higher dimension.

He could barely register the sight that was infront of him, he loves his sister darely but he had to make a show at the party. To show that he is not afraid, to win letas hand in marriage and Maybe, just maybe Otis curse would be released from his sister.

"You my servant, the second from the left, go prepare my clothes for this eventful party I must attend."

We can only guess what would happen next, we can only hope the queen will lay her hands in the right kings hand. Will her sister come through for her? Would lithia be blinded by her sisters hurtful forgetfulness of her birthday?

Perhaps she may not be so mean afterall, its not good to show revenge towards a sister, Better yet it's never good inside of royalty. However, with evil so near, rules are lived to be broken.



Thank you for reading.

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