The Telling...

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You have all seen and read the great happenings on their planet, The Planet Of Kingdoms. The relationship between Leta and Michael, the relationship between Lithia and Stefanus. A little glimpse of Isaac and Ivory, evil interactions with Otis and The Brother Of Evil. Michaels sister who has now disappeared, is this really linked to King Isaac and Queen Ivory?

The Planet Of Kingdoms is not much different from that of planet earth. There are indeed illnesses that people may suffer from, however these illnesses are cast away by the tip of Lithia's wand in the Kingdom of Wizardry and the Kingdom of Checuria.

Planet earth knows the Devil, the difference is, on The Planet of Kingdoms, the kings of evil are not addressed as the Devil, but as the names mentioned on these pages. In other words, there is evil on every planet, governed by different individuals.

Leta is in charge of the following with the help of her sister: illnesses, the arrangement of the inside of her peoples quarters if they grew tired of the interior, acting as a counselor as you have witnessed in the starting of their story, allowing the people to recognize talents amongst themselves e.t.c, which is awarded by the hands of Leta.

The guards of the Kingdom of Checuria is in charge of the ushering when the stubbornness of the people grew high. Checuria is beautiful as you know, retiring to thier quarters is a difficult task as they cannot get enough of its beauty.

They all know that Leta is not far but near, they had respected her change from being accessible beyond the doors of the immediate palace and they continue to. It was getting overwhelming for this poor soul, they would not give her a break, little kids would always want to be near her because she had such magnetic energy.

Adults of the Kingdom would often get the sleepy version of Leta, lithia had to jump in so that everyone could greet Leta in her complete glory, wisdom and all.

Now, things are a lot easier for her. The need for her presence in the ruling of the kingdom is not repeated day by day but rather a month at a time. She did not like the idea of dealing with the issues of her people behind the mirror if they were issues such as illnesses, though this is possible due to the fact that lithia could use her wand and avoid the intereaction between Leta and her people.

When jade met the queen, it was correct to be held with Leta inside the Mirror instead of outside the mirror and within the immediate presence of her. This was made up for, in the second half of Leta's birthday and also when the bubble was being created, jade could see her and shake her hand which made her little heart jump for joy in her chest.



Thank you for reading.

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