lithia and stefanus part 2

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She allowed him to come to her, a 3D privilege of his handsome features. The lack of expansion of his eyes and the fire that ignites upon his gaze made her insides rage in want. His lips were slightly parted revealing a fine line of darkness, his tongue was her greatest need as she shift her eyes back to his.

Admiring his intense blue a mimic of the ocean, she bit down on her lips. That roughness of his look, her soul was crying out. He could read her.

"I need for my lips to be the hardest treasure to purchase from its hidden screen...."

The fire formed in her eyes and her yearning became the aggression of the night. She always got excited at his ability to read her like an open book, she was ready for the chase.

He pushed her against the wall, her hands above her head. His breathing was uneven and the air became hot, he had control she gave him that innocent look that he liked and it drove him crazy. He started to rise, it was always so easy, all she had to do was give that look and it was all over for her.

They like equal control, lithia turned the table and he was against the wall with his hand above his head. Her breathing took its turn, he was too strong for her he picked her up and turned so she was up against the wall with her legs around him.

"I want so badly to hear your screams loud and higher than the skies, forming my name in the open space."

He kissed her neck and she died inside, closing her eyes whilst the heat grew out of control under his kisses. A moan escaped her lips and his hands tightened on his hold. A ringtone signalling a call interrupted the fire that was about to blaze higher.

They were breathing heavy, waiting for the caller to hang up but it kept ringing signalling a possible urgency for the receiver.

Anger sparked between the two and he put her down so that she could get the phone. Aggressively running his hand through his jet black hair, he fought his charged testosterone, dimming the flames.


She went with her low register. Keeping her authority and spinning on the friendlier side of things.

"My reason for calling was in worry of the events we came across whilst visiting your kingdom, all is well I hope?"

Ivory questioned, her motherly tone was stressed evenly on her end. Isaac in the background trying to get her off the phone.

"All is indeed well, hi dad I hope the evil had not reached out to you and mom in high demands or not at all."

Lithia reasoned, trying hard to focus on one thing and not her handsome king a few steps away from her.



Thank you for reading.

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