Chapter 6: Good Ol' Days

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A few days passed and everything was great, Max and I were in love, Harry and I were best friends, it wasn't awkward, I went back to telling him everything, he trusted me with every little thing. Not going to lie, it's still hard to see him with Casey, I've admitted that to him when we were having one of our serious conversations, he's even admitted it to me as well. 

Casey and I even started talking a little bit, we're friendly now...Harry asked me to be nice to her and for Harry I'd do anything, no matter what. Tonight was our last night at the lake, so the boys were outside making a campfire while us girls sat together on the couch, Casey was with us this time. "So when the boys first split, how did you guys feel?" Emily asked all out of the blue. 

Perrie sighed, "Zayn himself was a little upset but they've been together for so long and he knew it was bound to happen. At the same time though he was excited because now we can actually plan on starting a family, we can finally get married formally," Perrie said. 

"Awww that's adorable, I'm the maid of honor right?" I asked, Emily smacked me. 

"I think I should be," she said. 

"Hey, I can always have two," Perrie winked. 

"Louis was the same as how you said Zayn was, I was truly a little upset though," Eleanor said. 

"I was devastated to be honest, I loved listening to their new songs and I mean I can always go back and listen. Niall was telling me he was sad about it but he's making his own music now which he's happy with," I said to them. 

"It's a good and bad thing that they split," Emily said, summing up the whole conversation with just a few words. "We've spoken so much about One Direction, well what about Little Mix?" Emily turned to Perrie who smiled and laughed. 

"I was so upset when we broke up too but I still talk to the girls. Speaking of, we all need to hang out, all of us need to get together for a girl's night out," Perrie leaned over Eleanor to look at Casey. "You can come too if you want," she offered, a friendly smile on her face. 

Casey shook her head and managed a smile, "I'm alright, thank you so much for the offer though," she stood up to leave, she made it to the stairs when she turned back. "Thank you Brooklynn, for giving me a chance," she said then walked away before I could say anything. 

"She really does have a good heart, well now that she's letting us see it," Eleanor commented. 

"I agree," I said, nodding my head. 

After a while of us continuing to talk, the sun went down and Niall had come up to get the remaining girls so we could all sit around the campfire. Niall had brought out his guitar and started playing a song I recognized right away from their Midnight Memories album. Liam started singing his part, all of us swaying as he sang. Niall sang next, Harry harmonizing with him, then the chorus came and I listened closely, picking out Harry's voice, he used to sing to me all the time and I missed it. 

We were bringing it back to the good ol' days when the boys were together for real and when they would always sing to Emily and me, even to this day we fangirl over them. The next song they sang was Story of My Life, Harry started off singing his part. Then Liam. When it hit the chorus, we were all belting out the lyrics singing together, even Max was singing along which surprised me, but I made him listen to all these songs constantly. 

All of us were having the time of our lives around the campfire, talking, singing, making marshmallows and smores. It was nearly midnight when we were all about to pass out, our energy being completely drained. After we put out the fire, we all headed to our rooms, we spent the last night here right, it was definitely the high light of my summer I'm sure. 

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