Chapter 5: Forever Friends

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Harry's Point of View

"Casey, babe, guess what?" I walked up to my fiance, while she was pulling her blond hair into a pony tail. Her hair was long but it was thin as it hung from its pink tie. 

"What?" She turned to me, her blue eyes looking at me, not quite happy. 

"What's wrong?" 

"Were you out with Brooklynn?" 

"Babe you have to understand that she is a friend, you and I are getting married, you're the only one I want," I said, it wasn't the truth to be honest, but what could I do? Brooklynn has Max now and I'm stuck with Casey. She was just a rebound, I was missing Brooklynn and I wanted to feel something, I wanted to feel loved by somebody other than a fan or my mother or father or sister. "We just went to the gym, wasn't attractive, we were both real sweaty," I waved it off then continued to speak. "We're planning a trip to Brooklynn's family lakehouse in about a week, we're getting together all the boys and their girlfriends to all just hang and have fun," I said to her, excited actually, it's been awhile since the whole crew has been together all at once. 

Casey smiled at me, she really was pretty when she smiled, but not when she was glaring and just lurking. "Sounds great, so you and Brooklynn are through for good right?"  at her question, I rolled my eyes and sighed, "no no... I'm not trying to be annoying, I just wanted to know because Harry...... I'm pregnant." 

Her words made my heart drop, my stomach did something weird, I don't know but I didn't like it this time. She was smiling.... should I be smiling too? "W-What? I thought you were on the pill...." 

"I stopped taking them because I love you Harry, I know I should have talked to you about it....because-" 

"That is the first thing you should have done, Casey I have music to make for my fans, I'm constantly in the studio when I'm not taking off for summer vacation. I'm not going to be able to take care of you and the baby the best I can right now." 

Casey took my arm in her hand, shaking her head, "I am aware of all that but I love you Harry.... this is going to be good for us," she said. 

Casey sat on my lap while we played card games, it was the couples ... and Niall... Poor Niall. I glanced over at Brooklynn every now and then to make sure she was doing alright. She didn't seem to be touching Max very much, but then again she was about to leave him for me. Oh god, why did I say no? I hurt her... I could see it in her eyes and it killed me, but Casey is pregnant, I can't abandon my child. 

Notice how I said child, if it weren't for this baby, Casey would be kicked to the side. Let's face it, she only wants me for the money and the fame. Casey handed me her cards to rub her stomach, then she grabbed my hand, placing it on her belly, when I looked up, Max and Perrie were exchanging looks, then Brooklynn stood, I didn't know what happened because I was getting ready to throw some cards out then everyone stopped and Brooklynn seemed utterly defeated. Max ran after her, good boy, take care of her, I know I wish I could. 

"What happened?" I asked, looking around the table. 

Casey shrugged, "Oh uhm... I don't know," got Casey was such a fake, everything about her, that whole innocent look, I knew exactly what happened when I realized where my hand was, on her belly. Casey knows I told Brooklynn about the baby, I had to, I didn't explain every little detail to her about the car ride and the grocery store. 

Casey knows Brooklynn knows though and she was messing with Brooklynn which pisses me off. I stood up, causing Casey to slide off my lap. "What did you do?" I asked her, trying not to cause a scene in front of everybody. Next thing I knew I grabbed a bottle of vodka, popped it open and took it back, letting the alcohol burn down my throat. 

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