Chapter 23: Good Kind of Weird

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"Home sweet home," I sighed, dropping my bags onto the floor. It's weird, I just got married to Harry Styles, it's a good kind of weird though. I like it. I looked around the house and it just seemed so quiet and empty. "Babe," I turned around to Harry who was walking into the house, carrying his bags. 

"What's up?" he asked, seeming to be having a little bit of trouble. 

Laughing, I grabbed one of his bags and threw it at mine, knocking mine onto the floor. "We need to get-" 

"A cat?" Harry asked, his face lighting up like a little kid. 

My eyes widened but I slowly shook my head, "not what I was thinking but if that's what you'd like then sure," I shrugged. "I was thinking a dog, but maybe we can get a little kitten now, then we can get a dog when we have our first child and-" I couldn't finish because Harry cut me off by kissing my lips passionately. 

I didn't argue, I just kissed him back, and when he pulled away, I smiled. "You're so sexy," He said, his green eyes staring into my boring brown ones. "And okay, I like your idea," he nodded, then he released me. We took our bags to our room where we unpacked them, shoving the suit cases somewhere in the closet. I also tucked my wedding dress into a corner, where hopefully I'd be pulling it our in maybe 22 years for our daughter. 

"Well Mrs. Styles, what would you like to do now that we're home?" Harry asked, laying down on the bed next to me. 

"We have yet to try out our pool," I shrugged, he thought about it too for a second. I guess we hadn't really been moved in that long, we'd been here only a week or two before we had to head to Hawaii. Plus in those two weeks or so, I've been crazy busy planning and making sure everything is perfect. 

With that being said, Harry and I got up and got dressed in our bathing suits, I ran through the house, to the back door which I pulled open and stepped out into the warm Arizona air. Harry was right behind me, we stepped into our pool together, it was a little cold but I dipped my shoulders right in but made sure I didn't get my hair wet because I didn't feel like dealing with that mess tonight. 

Harry on the other hand went right in, popping back up in front of me. Laughing, I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling my body into his. I wrapped my legs around his waist as he held me close to him, kissing my lips passionately. "We should probably go meet our neighbors, maybe you should bake them something and we'll take it over, both sides," I said, pointing behind Harry and then behind me. 

"Sure, we'll go to the store in a little bit, then I'll bake and we can take em over around dinner time. Sound good?" he asked and I nodded, kissing his lips again. 

"And tomorrow, we should go to the animal shelter where we can find our little kitten," I said, pushing a curl from his face. "I really really want a Bengal kitty," I said to him. 

"Our house is huge..." He said, onto something, so I urged him to continue. "I think we are both able to get our own cats... and when we have our first baby, then we can also get a dog."

"We're going to be animal freaks!" I threw my head back, laughing out loud. 

"That's okay!" 

"Fine," I laughed. 

"But I'm going to an animal shelter to find my cat, you're doing your own research on your bengal cats that are extra expensive. Man, you are not cheap my dear," Harry rolled his eyes playfully, so I smacked his arm, and somehow our fighting led to a makeout session. We soon finished up in the pool, Harry took a quick shower, I just got changed and fixed my hair; my make up was still okay so I left it. We were just heading to the store after all!

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