Chapter 31: Beach Trip

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I woke up in the middle of the night to the sound of crying, sighing, I rolled over and bumped into a sound asleep Harry. He snored a little bit, it was cute, what wasn't cute is all the crying going on right now. Reluctantly, I got out of bed, the crying was coming from Riley's room, so I snuck inside and walked over to her crib, picking her up. 

"Aww baby," I whispered, sitting down in the rocking chair in her room. I held her and rocked her gently, staring down at her face. She was beautiful and even at times I question my sanity for having a child on 19, I wouldn't trade Riley or Alfie for the world. 

I sang softly to Riley, and she fell asleep in my arms quicker than I thought, so I gently placed her back in her crib and went back into my room, crawling slowly into bed next to Harry. He was still naked... he often slept naked so I leaned down and kissed his bare shoulder gently before I laid my head on my pillow. 

Harry stirred next to me and groaned as he rolled over and threw his arm around me, cuddling me close. "Why aren't you asleep?" Harry asked, half asleep himself here. 

I reached up and pushed a stray strand of hair from his face and smiled, "Riley was crying." 

"I love you Brooklynn," he said, his voice raspy and so sexy, he still managed to melt my heart. 

"I love you too," I sighed, snuggling up to his chest and falling asleep in his arms. We woke up like that too, Harry went to move his arm that I was laying on but managed waking me up in the process. 

"My arm fell asleep," he said, shooting me his boyish grin. I laughed and hid my face from the sun pouring through our window, it was really blinding. "Get up," Harry said, tickling my sides. I screamed and started squirming underneath him, laughing uncontrollably. 

"Stop!" I laughed, tears forming in my eyes from all the laughing. I kicked my leg up and kneed him in the back by accident, but that made him get off of me. 

"Ow!" He exclaimed, frowning. 

Laughing still I said, "I'm so sorry babe, I didn't mean to.... you made me do it," I said, holding back my laughter. Harry rolled his eyes then pecked my lips before getting up, "where are you going?" I frowned. 

"I'm making breakfast for us," he said, pulling on some pants. "Get Alfie and meet me downstairs," he smiled before walking out. I laid in bed for another minute before I got up and stepped into some booty shorts, then I made my way into Alfie's room. I picked him up and kissed his forehead gently as I whispered a good morning to him. I held him tightly in my arm as I made my way downstairs, and into the kitchen where I placed him next to his sister in his high chair. 

"You know what, we got really lucky," I said to Harry as I approached him from behind and wrapped my arms around his waist. 

He chuckled as he cooked the pancakes, "yeah? Why's that?" he asked. 

"I mean look at them," we both turned around to see our babies playing with each other looking cuter than ever. I laughed and let go of Harry, walking over to Riley and Alfie. "What are you guys doing?" I asked, making faces at them which made them both start laughing hysterically. 

That made me laugh, seeing them laughing so hard. "I think I'm the lucky one here," Harry said and I turned to him smiling. 

"You're cute," I laughed, turning back to my children. Harry finished cooking breakfast and brought over a plate for him and me, setting them across from each other at the table. "Babe, get two yogurts please?" I asked pointing to the fridge. I loved how Harry listened to me, he was the quintessence of perfection. He broguth back two yogurts and gave me one, I tore open the lid and fed a little spoonfull to Riley who seemed to love her Yogurt, Alfie loved it too. 

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