Chapter 12: Vacation Fun

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Quite honestly, with Harry being away, I've been unbelievably bored. I hung out with Liam and Emily a lot but I mean I wanted Harry with me, because Liam and Emily were all lovey dovey and I was sitting there like...third wheeling on a freaking Saturday night. I was sitting on my computer, writing down some lyrics to a song I thought would be cool for my band, when I got a facetime call on my ipad from Perrie. 

I haven't heard from her since the lake, I haven't heard from anybody really, so I was happy to see she was calling me. With one slide of my finger across the screen, Perrie's face popped up, a huge smile on her face. "Brooklynn!" She exclaimed, "how are ya babe?" 

"Good! How are you? I haven't talked to you since the lake which seemed like forever ago," I leaned back in my chair, bringing my knees up to my chest. I was home alone, mom and dad were both working real hard before we go on vacation in a couple days. 

Perried grinned, "we're good. I know you're good, you've got your boy back," she winked. I started laughing, then I cocked my head to the side. "What! Harry obviously stopped by when he came back, and you think he wouldn't tell us about his amazing girlfriend?" 

I bit my lip then looked away, looking out my window that allowed the sun to pour in, it was a nice day, why am I inside? Ooh well. "How are you and Zayn?" I asked her and her lips instantly pulled into a smile. 

"We're great," she winked then patted her tummy gently, my eyes widened and my jaw dropped. 

"Perrie!!" I exclaimed and she stood up, turning to the side, she already had a fairly large baby bump, I could see it through her shirt. "Do you know if it's a boy or girl?" I asked her.

"Girl," she nodded then squealed, I couldn't help but squeal with her. 

"Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys!" I screamed, then Zayn popped into the camera. Leaning over Perrie's shoulder, "hey Zayn." 

"Hi," he waved at me. "Perrie told you the news?" I nodded, "you have to come to the baby shower," he said. "If you can make it out here," he said. 

I nodded, "yeah of course, I'll definitely make it, no matter what," I smiled. 

"Great! Has Harry made it back yet?" Zayn asked. 

I shook my head, "no he is going to text me when he gets to the airport and I'm gonna go pick him up." We talked for a few more minutes until I did get a text from Harry, saying he just got off the plane, it took me about half an hour to get to the air port so I decided to leave right when he texted me, it won't take him too long to get all his things. "See you guys, text me later," they nodded then we said out goodbyes and hung up. I remained in my yoga pants and tank top, I put on some flats then got into my car, driving to the air port. 

There were a lot of cars but I found Harry standing with his phone in section C and drove up, I got out of the car and ran over to Harry. "Hey love," he smiled and wrapped his arms around me, picking me up in his arms. 

"I missed you," i said to him as he spun me around then placed me back on the ground, kissing my lips. 

"I've missed you too," he smiled at me, his green eyes shinning. "I love you," he said, kissing me again with passion, with so much love and need as if we hadn't seen each other for four years again. 

"You too," I smiled then pulled away from him, opening the trunk so he could put his bags in. We got back in the car and I took off, driving to the flat. "So how was it?" I glanced over at him and he smiled. 

"It was great, got a lot done, they are going to release the album the day we leave for vacation, so I get a nice break and the satisfaction of knowing my new music is out there." 

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