Chapter 8: Question Existing

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When I woke up in the morning, I tried to go back to sleep in Harry's arms but unfortunately the bright sun pouring through the giant glass window prevented me from doing that. I slipped out from under Harry's arms, sitting up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Good! You're awake, we're making breakfast, and when were you going to tell me about this?" Emily surprised me, I wasn't expecting her to be here. But I forgot that Harry was sharing this flat with Liam and Emily and Liam are together. 

"I'm sorry, it wasn't official until like a week ago," I shrugged, still trying to wake myself up completely. 

"Come down here, I have coffee for you," Emily said, putting a pink mug on the table. 

"No, don't leave yet," Harry groaned, grabbing my wrist so I couldn't get up. Emily rolled her eyes but smiled at Liam when he walked into the kitchen and kissed her cheek. Liam grabbed my coffee and walked it over to me, he stepped up onto something carefully so he could reach me. I put one leg over Harry so I could reach the coffee, when I got it, I sat down on him, straddling him between my legs. 

"Wake up honey, everyone is awake now," I sipped my hot coffee, looking down at Harry over the brim of the glass. 

Harry sighed, he looked up at me with squinty eyes because of that big glass window that had the sun shining as bright as it possibly ever could in life. "Okay I'm up, but I'm not physically getting my body up for another three hours," he said. 

"That's okay, I can lay in bed all day," I said, leaning against a big wooden board that was keeping this little bed loft thing where it was. 

"Do you ever ask yourself weird questions?" Emily asked randomly. 

I cocked my head to the side, staring down at my coffee, "that was a weird question so I guess you do," Harry said, teasing her. 

"Harry, I'm serious," Emily frowned. I smacked Harry's leg, mouthing words to him to tell him to be nice to her. 

"I know what you mean like, if a cow laughed, would it come out of her nose?" Liam asked, looking dead serious. 

Harry and Emily busted out laughing, I nodded though, it was a good question! "Or....if olive oil is made out of olives, what is baby oil made out of?" 

Liam pointed at me, a smile on his face, "yes exactly!!!" 

"I don't know what I started," Emily shook her head sadly as she looked at me. 

"It's a good thing to talk about!" 

"Yeah but like serious things, do you think crying is a sign of weakness or strength?" Emily asked. It made everyone go quiet for a second, until I spoke up to answer-

"Neither, You could be strong and still cry. It depends on the situation. If someone you love passes away and you cry, it's not weakness, it's love, it shows that you care. If you cry when you fall and scrap your knee... as a freaking teenager yeah that's a sign of weakness. Truthfully to me, if you're having a really bad week or day and you have a breakdown every now and then, that's not weakness either, but it's not strength." 

"I get where you're coming from, but there are more situations where crying is a sign of strength in my own opinion," Liam said. 

"Well if you could go back and do it all over again, what would you change?" Emily asked, switching to a new question. 

"I love my mom and dad so much, they mean everythign to me," I started. "But they aren't my real parents who died when I was younger, if I could go back and beg them to stay home, maybe they wouldn't have died the way they did," I sighed. "But don't get me wrong, I'm so thankful for my adopted parents every day because I never would have been able to meet all of you guys," I managed a smile but talking about my real parents was a very touchy subject. 

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