Chapter 2: Reminiscing

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Lexi sat at the desk in my room, with my laptop open in front of her and Zayn's face across the screen. "Lexi! It's so great to see you! You've grown up so much," Zayn said to her, she laughed, she wasn't as talkative as she used to be. 

"Yeah," she replied. 

"So how was school? What grade are you going to be in?" 

"Fourth," she smiled at him. 

"That's good! Stay away from boys, they're nothing but trouble," Zayn said jokingly and Lexi just laughed. "Are you getting ready for a basketball game? A summer league? You must be really interested in basketball." 

"Yeah I am, I really like it," she said. 

"She's really good too," I chimmed in from the back where I was getting ready. Max was sitting on my bed on his phone. 

"Just don't quite like Brooklynn did, you know she was really really good and then she just.... quit because she decided she didn't like it anymore. Basketball gets you scholarships and it's good exercise," he said. Zayn would be a really great father, Perrie is a really lucky girl. 

"I know, I'm not going to quit, I love basketball," Lexi said with a nod. 

"Hey, is that Max in the background?" 

"Yeah. Hey man, what's up?" Max got up and sat at the end of my bed, in the camera's view. 

"Hey nice to meet you, Brooklynn told me so much about you," Zayn said. 

"Zayn, what are you doing?" A door shut in the background and a very familiar face came into view. "Aww who is this?" 

"Perrie!" I exclaimed and ran over, pushing Lexi's rolly chair out of the way, she laughed but then gave me a look. 

I hadn't spoken to Perrie in person but we've facetimed a few times thanks to Zayn. "Brooklynn! How are you?" 

"Great how are you?" 

"Good. You look beautiful! Poor Harry, lost a great girl," Perrie winked. 

I laughed and pulled Max over, "this is my boyfriend, Max," I introduced them, kissing his cheek quickly. 

"Nice to meet you, I'm Perrie," she smiled, she was adorable. 

After a while of talking and Lexi getting a few more minutes to talk to Zayn and him wishing her a good luck, we disconnected so we could get Lexi to her game. Her mom couldn't take her and it was a perfect place for Harry, Casey, Max and I could go, nothing extreme would happen in public and especially in front of a kid. We picked Emily up on the way, I hadn't told her Harry was going, I was going to surprise her, Harry was like a brother to her four years ago. 

We picked Emily up and headed out to a school that was fifteen minutes away, Max drove, like I always made him do. We got to the school and Lexi hopped out, she was always excited, I was excited too, I am really glad she is into basketball because honestly I was really upset that I quit but I did it because I stopped liking to play basketball. All throughout high school I managed the basketball team, I was still apart of it which made things a little bit better. 

"Brooklynn! You didn't tell me Harry was here," Emily's face lit up when we entered the gym and Harry and Casey were sitting up at the top, holding hands. Emily ran over to the bleachers, Harry jumped up and smiled, hugging Emily tight, both of them laughing, Casey didn't even seem happy that Emily was hugging him. She needs to stop! Harry is going to talk to other girls and hug other girls. 

"Casey is annoying," I whispered to Max who laughed and draped an arm around my shoulders. 

"It's okay, not everyone is as amazing as you," Max said. I laughed and walked with him to where Casey, Harry and Emily now sat. Lexi ran off to her team and started warming up with layups and shots from their range, she was a shooting guard. 

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