Chapter 12

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Outfit above is what Amy's bar uniform looks like

I've been here for probably just over an hour and started actually working about half hour now after Katie show me around and explain to me what needed to be done. I was either going to quit, get fire or slap somebody in the eye if another drunk guy smack my ass.
If I was correct, precisely only 30 minutes  since I had went to deliver few tray of drinks and I had gotten smack on the butt three times. One of the guy had even refer to me as 'fresh meat'. These were types of behavior I was used to experiencing at Lollipop Tease but at least this wasn't by drunks. As far as I can tell this was the normal behavior for bar, I saw other men do it to another waitress. I had only started working not even a day as yet and I didn't want to get fired so I decided to deal with the repulsive behavior while I have to. I spent five years being owned by Alfredo if that didn't prepare me enough for instances like this, nothing else will.

"Ugh!" I groaned in disgust as I slam the tray down on the bar counter.

"A rough first day sweetie?" Katie chuckled.

"If I'm being touched by another drunk guy I am going to hurl" I said wrinkling my nose.

"Sorry babe, it's just part of business though" she said giving me a sympathetic smile.

"Are employees allowed to drink while on the job or get discount on drinks?" I asked frustrated.

"You know what? I know what can help" Katie said as she took up a bottle and pour whatever it is in a shot glass before passing it over the counter to me. "Here, try this. Its on the house"

"What's this?" I lift the glass up to my nose sniffing it's contents before tipping and back and shuttering. "Damn!...that's strong".

" I know right" Katie giggle. "Think of it as a welcome to the job shot. Now get over here so I can start teaching you about all the liquor and beverages".

"So my first week of work wasn't that bad" I said to my mom.

"I don't know I still don't like the idea of you being back in the club scene" mom replied.

"I know but mom this isn't like that type of club. I'm serving drinks there not ...performing for them" I said to her. "I don't really feel degraded like before"

"You still have to be around disgusting men and even worst drunks" mom said to me. "Its still just..."

"It's gonna help me get back on my feet so I'm gonna stick to it until I can get something better" I replied. "I'm even thinking of searching for a second job, that way I can save enough money for your heart procedure".

"Amy no, I don't expect you to be working your butt off just to make a few dollars to help me. Its not..." Mom started but I cut her off.

"It is my job now. You'd do the same for me so let me do this for you" I said to her. "Or at least let me try"

"You know I've always wondered how on earth I was so lucky to get a wonderful daughter like you" mom said with a small smile.

"I guess you were just lucky enough to be my mom" I chuckled.


Lucas's POV

I was going to discuss some important business
about a new casino opening that Gio had put me in charged off with him. He had told me to get back to him when there was any new development, so here I was at his and Lexi's house. I had the access to come here whenever I wanted seeing I was his right hand man and best friend. Earlier when I informed him I was stopping by I knew to go to his office when I got here but the minute I had arrived here, I was wondering if I should probably return another time.

I'm pretty sure it sounded like he and Lexi were arguing. If I'm mistaken I would be sure that the argument sounded a bit intense. Was there already trouble in paradise? This was an awkward situation for me, I was expected here so here I was but with him and Lexi arguing about whatever I wasn't sure if I should go and interrupt. Lexi already hated me and if I go and interrupt she is most likely to blow up more and in addition to that Gio is most likely in a really fowl mood. This could go either of many ways. Gio doesn't like to be messed with when he's upset and if he was upset with his wife or if she was upset with him and I go in there now, I'm most likely the one that everything will be taken out on. I considered waiting for a while but since I was already here I guess I'd just have to be on the receiving end of this conflict. The sooner I discuss things with Gio the sooner I can leave.

I walked to Gio's home office door and knocked. At my knock the arguing stopped and seconds later the door was opened roughly by Giovanni himself. By the look on both their faces whatever they were arguing about was definitely intense and they did not like the idea of being interrupted.

"You wanted us to discuss business" I said to him. "Did I after all come at a bad time?"

I watched Gio eyebrow twitched with anger and his jaw clenched but instead of snapping at me like I had expected I was surprised by his respond.

"No you didn't. Come in. I called you to discuss business and we are going to discuss things" Gio said seriously before turning to his wife. "I'm going to be busy now, we'll talk about this later"

"Gio" Lexi said in a defeated tone I wasn't expecting.

"I said later Lexi" Gio said a bit harsh surprising me completely.

"Fine" Lexi sighed shaking her head. "I'll go".

"You should" Gio replied in the same tone.

Sighing Lexi turned towards the door and brushed passed me as she exited the office. Slamming the door behind her, Gio turned to me.

"So what's the development?" He asked me completely ignoring the fact that I just witness all that a minute ago.

I could have asked what the hell was up with them but decided to stay in my lane and not stick my nose where it doesn't belong, especially when Too is clearly that furious. If its something he wants to talk about, he will when he feels like it.

"I got a perfect location for the new casino"

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