Chapter one

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Picture above is Amy, portrayed by Merrit Patterson

The disturbing sounds of loud banging echoed nearby through the apartment. The continuous disturbance resulted in me letting out an annoyed groan in my sleep.


Dammit! Can’t a girl catch any shut eye around here?
I hated this place. The minute you try to get some sleep, that’s the precise moment that some sort of shouting, screaming, loud music or banging –from next door or somewhere within the complex –would be sure to disturb you. Not that I should expect anything better or different in a crappy apartment complex like this.

Often times, if I ignored these noises long enough, they would eventually stop. However, this banging sounded much closer, which meant that it must be coming from my door. And it only seemed to be getting louder.


"Alright, alright! I'm coming!" I yelled as I finally got up and made my way to the door while still trying to rub the sleepiness from my eyes.

"My god, would you stop already!? I'm coming!"

"Where the hell have you been? And why haven't you been answering your damn phone!?"Solj asked demandingly; stepping inside the minute I had opened the door to my crappy little apartment.

"Oh, S-Solj? I-I was trying to sleep. I guess I didn't hear it ringing." I answered nervously while taking a step back.

"Listen, you don't have that phone to be used as a souvenir or some form of decoration nor accessory," Solj said threateningly. "You have it so that when it rings you answer immediately."

" Y-Yeah I know. S-sorry, I must've forgotten to take it off silent mode from earlier." I stuttered nervously as I made my way to the little crooked coffee table that was in front of the couch with my cellphone laying on top. "Did you need something? Why are you here?"

"The boss had been trying to get to you for the past two hours. He needs you in the club right now!" Solj said in a rough fuming voice.

"What? Why? I'm not schedule to perform until another couple of hours." I said confused as I looked at the time on my phone.

"Listen to me, I don't care about when you're scheduled to perform. You don't get to ask questions." Solj barked at me causing me to jump. I was frightened and started trembling with fear.

"The boss wants you at the club now, you do just that. It is bad enough that you weren't answering your phone and I have to come here. The boss wants you to meet with him, you do so. No questions asked."

"O-okay...Uhm alright. I'll just go get d-dress and ready." I replied making sure to keep a safe distance from him. "I'll be there in a few minutes alright?"

"You better be," Solj said walking out the door before stopping and turning his head to face me once again. "You better not keep us waiting long, you already have one strike up against you, don't make it a second."

As he turned and left, I couldn't help but let out the breath I didn't even realized I was holding in as I closed the door with a relieved sigh.

Solj was one of those huge scary looking guys, that worked for my despised boss Alfredo or better yet my slave master. Nobody in their right mind would dare try to challenge or stand up to Solj. He was tall and really muscular, he was more like those steroid based hulk looking, bodybuilder type of guy that could break your entire body using just one hand.

Solj was what you could call Alfredo's muscle. If Alfredo had a problem with someone, they would have to talk it out with Solj. And by talking it out, things usually don’t include using words at all. I had unfortunately been to one of those talking sessions with Solj a few times for trying to defy Alfredo, trying to run away, or just by making simple mistakes. And it usually resulted in me receiving quite a few bruises, a black eye and a fractured rib at one point. Let's just say ever since, I just tried my best not to get on their bad sides.

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