Bonus chapter

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Lexi's POV

"So how come you're here without that husband of yours? Have you finally came to your senses and
gotten rid of the bastard permanently?" Dominic said to me as he sat on
a stool in his kitchen.

"Very funny Nic, but if I haven't gotten rid of you  permanently already I don't think I'll have to get rid of Gio" I rolled my eyes at him. "Gio's just in Italy on business. And for now our marriage is perfectly fine so there's no need to get rid of him"

"Speaking of business. I was thinking of proposing a business deal the the asshole. I was wondering if you could talk to him about it" Dominic responded.

"Could you stop that! I really don't appreciate you calling my husband names- I'm the only one who has that authority" I said to him. "Besides, if you have a business deal to propose to Gio, grow a pair and talk to him your damn self... Don't you have anything sweet here to eat?"

"Why the hell do you think I'd give you anything to eat after you just outright told me I have no balls?" Dominic raised a brow at me.

"Because you should get over it and whether or not you offer me I'm seconds away from going to raid your fridge" I said to him.

"Kathleen have a stock of chocolate on the fridge door. I don't think she'll mind" Dominic pointed to the fridge.

"Thank you" I smiled as I went chocolate hunting. "Mhm milk chocolate. Perfect"

"What is it with you anyway? Wait. Are you carrying Satan's child again?" Dominic asked though I know he was seriously curious.

"Not yet" I replied as I pulled the chocolate wrapper back. "Don't worry, if all goes well you'll be an uncle soon"

"Are you guys... nevermind. Are you sure you're ready to go back down that road?" Dominic asked concerned.

"I don't know. What happened before scared the hell out of me but... I had gotten used to the idea of being a mother before and Gio wants to be a father as well so I figure maybe I should give it a try. I just feel that if I never try I may never be ready again" I replied.

"Well good luck" Dominic nodded genuinely. "To both of you"

"Thank you" I smiled at him. "You know, this is probably the nicest thing you've said to me in a while"

"Yeah? Well don't get used to it" Dominic said with a mischievous smirk.

"Hey Lexi" Kathleen greeted as she entered the kitchen. "What's up?"

"Dominic and I were having a moment here. Did you know your boyfriend is actually a big softy?" I chuckled.

"I know he can be" Kathleen smiled as she went over to Dominic and hugging him around the neck from behind.

"Yeah he's a softy and I never knew. The tough guy act is just that- an act" I teased. "Oh by the way he gave me your chocolate so, if you run short take it up with him"

"I never touched that fridge"Dominic replied.

"Its okay" Kathleen chuckled. "I have enough in there anyway. So how's it going?"

"When are you getting back?" I asked Gio over the phone "It's sucks sleeping without you. I hate rolling over to find your side of the bed empty"

"In a few days mi amore. We just need to finalize a few things and I'll be back there in your bed" Gio responded.

"My bed? I thought it was our bed?" I replied.

"At home, but aren't you at your parents now? That bed there is yours, that is why I said your bed" Gio responded.

"It doesn't matter where I'm at as long as we slept in the bed its ours, whats mine is yours too isn't it?" I replied.

"You're totally right. I'll correct myself, as soon as we're finished here I'll be back home in our bed" Gio chuckled through the phone.

"That sounds so much better" I smiled even though he couldn't see me.

"I really missed you, its frustrating not going home to you. It gets lonely here without you" Gio told me.

"Lonely? Don't you have Lucas and the other guys there with you? Aren't they good company?" I teased chuckling.

"Lucas and the guys aren't my wife. I can't hold them in my arms and kiss them like I can with you" Gio replied. "They're are my business associates, you are my wife and they don't keep my bed warm"

"They could" I muttered before laughing out.

"What?" Gio asked not fully hearing what I had said.

"Nothing, nothing. I'm just saying I really missed you too and I can't wait for you to get home" I replied. "And I love you so much"

"That's definitely not what you said before but I love you more Cara"

Anyone wants another chapter in a few minutes?😀 You decide.

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