Chapter 55

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A week was how long we had spent in Barbados, seven days to be exact in the Caribbean. It was mom, Lucas and I although Lucas only spent four days with us there before flying back to the States because as you know 'duty calls'.

I had the opportunity to meet my other relatives on mom's side over there and mom got to be reunited with other family which was a whole other story. I only just realized what a large family we had. I remember days back then when Mom was the family I knew and then now, all that just changed. I didn't know if it was because we were all meeting for the first time but everyone just seemed extremely nice and welcoming. They had this huge family get together and dinner. And then there was the whole gushing over Lucas and how cute he was.

Sanya wouldn't get off my back about how she knew Lucas and I were a thing when she visited us in America and how much of a liar I was denying the facts. It was actually quite hilarious. They had also somehow managed to humble Lucas 100% it was hard to believe that he was actually a very serious and ruthless mafia underboss. I have to admit that Lucas really knew how to play along with everyone. I was surprised to see him actually socializing and interacting with my family especially uncle Marten- they seemed to get along extremely well for the time he was there. Of course when Lucas had to leave, they were all disappointed that he couldn't stay longer and it was even worst when we had to leave. I finally understood what people meant when they always say that Caribbean people were some of the nicest abd friendliest people you'll ever come across.

I was only back for a couple of days before I was summoned once again to meet another set of family- the paternal side. I guess my father Marcos had caught his jealous when I flew out to Barbados to visit my mother's side of the family. He had me meeting those who were on his side of family. His side of family was actually much smaller than my mother's side. He only had two aunts, three uncles, a granduncle, and some cousins, and that was from both sides of his family. His parents and most of his family was no longer alive or known, but those whom I have met, they too were sweet to me including his wife which was surprisingly nice as well. I didn't think she'd like me or even pretend to be nice to me- if that's even what she was doing- considering I was the product and reminder of her husband's infidelity.

When I had informed them of my pregnancy, Marcos said he wasn't shocked hearing this news now since I had actually admitted to sleeping with Lucas but what he was surprised about was the fact that it even happened, and so soon. He said he always knew Lucas to be an extremely careful person so he was confused how the hell it happened. That was still a mystery even to me. I just guess that no protection or contraceptives were a hundred percent guaranteed safe.

Carter now on the other hand found the situation extremely funny, Adena was in love with Lucas, but Lucas was into me and then I got pregnant for him- the guy my sister had been pining over for years. He found it quite amusing, I had to tell him to quit it. Adena and I were surprisingly finally getting along well, I didn't want him to spoil it by stating those facts.

Katie and Nora were the ones who were shocked when I revealed to them that I was pregnant. I guess they were stunned that the guy who had rescued my butt from multiple near death experiences and even threatened me on many occasions, he and I were now together and not only that but we were expecting a baby.

Lexi and I also got to talk and she told me that she had suspected that I was actually pregnant that day when I called her to hang out. I had no idea I was that obvious. Since she was more months pregnant than I was and already experienced and were experiencing some of the things I was yet to experience as a pregnant woman, hanging out with her from time to time made things so much easier for me. I got to learn from her each time.
************************************** Lucas and I were having a date night. I had no idea what he had planned for us or where we were going but I was pumped for it. We hadn't gotten much chance to go on many dates since we've been together officially and overall, I was just so excited to get to spend some quality alone time with Lucas. I didn't really care much about where he was taking me as long as we were together.

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