Chapter 52

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I think I may have hurt Lucas's feelings with what I told him about me wanting to leave. It had been two days now since I've told him that and I have been trying to sort out my flight details and ticket to Barbados and I haven't seen Lucas since. He didn't come home but I knew he was alright because I heard Greta talked to him on the phone and may have glimpsed him at the club the other night when I showed up for work.  It somehow still hurts to know that Lucas hadn't really put up much of a fight in getting me to stay when I told him I was leaving.

Even though I didn't want him trying to stop me from leaving, him putting up a fight would have made me feel like he really cared. Mom had been upset with me too for not telling Lucas the real reason why I was leaving. She didn't want me to make the same mistakes she did by running away, but it wasn't like I haven't told her or anyone I was leaving or where I was going. I was going to visit my grandparents and other relatives in Barbados in a few more days and it was not like I was planning to live and not coming back. It was just for a while. I couldn't get a sooner flight to Barbados that was why I was still here at Lucas's apartment and even though he told me that he wasn't going to be the one to put me out, I still wanted to be out of there before he got back.

He hadn't been home in days and I had a feeling that it was because of me. I was thinking of going to stay with Katie and Nora for the time until it was my time to go but I wasn't up for all the questions I know would've been thrown out at me. I could have gone to stay with mom as well but it was still Lucas's apartment complex and also the fact that Mom was upset about me wanting to run off, she'd be trying to convince me not to and I didn't want to argue with her.

I wanted to go visit the doctor one last time before my flight to check if everything was alright with the baby and if it was okay to fly. I know probably should've done that before the flight was booked and everything but I was just so caught up in a moment and wanting to get away, that I never thought of that before. If it wasn't for mom telling me that, I wouldn't even remembered or thought about doing that. I had decided to give up Lucas's car, if we weren't exactly on good terms and I was planning to leave him, I didn't think it would be fair for me to still be enjoying the luxury and comfort of his things. So I left the keys back at the apartment and decided to take a taxi.  Because I didn't really have an appointment with the doctor, I had to wait a bit longer before I got through. She had done a few more tests and ultrasound and reassured me that the baby seemed to be doing fine and it was okay to fly as long as I take it easy and made sure to take the vitamins. She even told me to guarantee everything is alright after I've reached my destination and settled in.

Before leaving the doctor's place, I went to use the bathroom down the hall. Somehow a few days ago I was starting to pee a whole lot more often than usual. I had told the doctor about that and she assured me that it was something natural for pregnant women. Even though it more often happened to those who are further along than I am, it was still natural. The urge to pee often was as a result of the baby resting near to the bladder or something like that. As I looked at myself in the mirror as I washed my hands, I didn't miss just how tired I looked and the slightly dark circles under my eyes. For the past two days, I had barely gotten enough rest. I was up most of the time just thinking or feeling a bit too uneasy to fall asleep.
Drying my hands with the paper towel and throwing it in the bin, I made my way out of the bathroom to exit the building and go get a taxi back home.

Walking out the door, I almost crashed into the back of a guy who chose to stop right outside the doors. Even though he was in wrong for stopping in the way and paying attention to his phone, I still apologized out of natural instincts to do so.

"Sorry it's my fault." The guy replied as well turning around.

Upon seeing who it was and the cast on his nose, my eyes widened in fear before I decided to get away immediately. I wasn't going to stick around to chat with him.

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