Chapter 22

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A sharp stinging pain in the sole of my right foot caused to jerk awake with a scream. Disoriented at first I started crying and kept trying to kick and pull my feet away as someone was holding on to the right one. My legs were however held down by something strong.

"Stop thrashing around!" I heard him said as my legs were held in place.

"Amy, you're safe. But I need to get out this piece of glass that cut you" another man said.

Trying to calm down inspite of my panic state and the pain in my foot, I realized that I was on a bed with Lucas holding down my legs to stop me from kicking and another guy who I guess was a doctor sitting at the edge holding on to my right foot.

"Calm down okay, I'm just trying to help you. You were cut by a broken glass bottle. Its still inside, so you need to calm down and let me remove it and patch back your foot okay?" He said to me.

Sniffling, I nodded slowly at him. Before looking at Lucas who eventually let go off my feet and stood up straight.

"Do what you have to do. I'll be out there" Lucas said to the doctor guy before turning to leave the room.

"Okay" the guy nodded at him before turning his face back to me. "This may be a bit painful but just try to relax and it will be over before you know it"

"OK" I nodded as he took my foot back in hand.

Looking around the room, I immediately recognized it. I was back at Lucas's place, in the room I had stayed in while I was confined here. All of a sudden everything that happened tonight came rushing back to me, I couldn't help but burst into tears. Oh my God. Matthew was gone, Matthew is dead. I can't believe he was killed and I witnessed it. In addition to my grieving and the pain I felt as the doctor tried removing the piece of glass that had been wedged in the bottom of my foot I was starting to get hysterical now as I couldn't hold it all in anymore. I'm not sure what happened next but I was having a panic attack and I started kicking and screaming, next thing I know is that Lucas was back in the room and holding me down. I believe Greta had also came in at some point, they tried calming me down but I just couldn't help freaking out now. I suddenly felt as if I was stabbed with a needle in the neck and slowly I atop thrashing around and began feeling relaxed until I slip into a slumber.


I woke up the next morning with a groggy feeling, my throat was scratchy and hurt most likely from all the screaming last night. I suddenly remembered everything that happened last night; from me visiting Matthew, those guys shooting him, chasing me to Lucas saving my butt and me being all hysterical last night. I was down, traumatized, in grief and all but I was strangely experiencing unexplainable calm which kept me from freaking out like I did last night. My guess is that I was sedated and the drug was still in my system.

Sitting up I felt a slight pain in my right foot and I remembered that it had gotten injured last night. Pulling my foot up, I noticed it was bandage, I guess after they injected me last night the doctor had finished fixing up my foot. I also noticed that I was no longer wearing my clothes from last night instead I was wearing a huge shirt which I'm guessing belong to Lucas based on his scent still lingering on it. Someone must have changed me out if that dreaded clothes from last night, good- because I don't think I could stand waking up to those clothes after what happened last night in them.

In addition I just really needed to wash away last night from off me. Slowly swinging my legs off the bed, I tried standing up without placing any pressure in my damaged foot. Limping, I made my way to the bathroom stripping out of the shirt. I really wanted to take a shower but instead I had to settle for a bath since I had to keep the bandage on my foot dry. Even though I had sedatives in me forcing me to be calm over this whole grieving and traumatizing situation, I was still able to cry when I think about how Matthew died. I lost him. I had only gotten him back after weeks of not speaking to him and now I've lost him within minutes and permanently at that. As I lay there in the bathe with my eyes closed, tears still streamed down my face. Every time I closed my eyes, it was like being back in his apartment. It was like this whole thing happening all over again, I could still see his face. I was thankful that whatever drug they had sedated me with was still inside my body or I'd go insane.

I must've fallen asleep in the tub because next thing I know was that I was being woke up by a frightened looking Greta who immediately wrapped a towel around me. Apparently she had came to check up on me and when I wasn't still in bed she came to the bathroom and found me there asleep, she must've thought I may have tried
doing something stupid considering me past attempt at suicide. The drugs must have worn out of my system because I was immediately feeling traumatized and depressed again, I broke down once more. Greta tried to console me and calm me down but I'm not sure it was working. The only person who could make me feel better now, was my mom which meant I had to get out of here.

Greta had lend me some clothes and afterwards tried to forced me to eat something but I just couldn't, I picked around the breakfast she made and only drank some of the juice. I know Greta wouldn't agree with me leaving the apartment in my condition and especially without Lucas being the one to give me the go ahead. So I told her I was going to lay down and that I'd probably eat something that can help with my mood. Greta agreed to bring something to me from the kitchen in a few minutes and so the minute she was out if sight, I snuck out. There was no way I could stay here, with these thoughts swirling in my head. I just needed the comfort of my mom.

I know this chapter is a bit bleh 😕 but I was feeling extremely tired and sick. I didn't want to leave you guys hanging so this is what I came up with. I'll try to make the next chapter better though, hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better enough to update again. Don't forget to vote.

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